Economic Justice News | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Economic Justice News

Reflections from a first-time lobbyist.

February 27, 2011 at 07:00pm
Central Kentucky

Central Kentucky KFTC member Abigail Dority had never lobbied before when she attended the economic justice lobby day in Frankfort with us this January. Since then, she has come with us to the capitol several times and was a lobby captain during our voting rights lobby and rally day. Here are her reflections from her first time in Frankfort:

Stand With Wisconsin! Rally Saturday!

February 24, 2011 at 07:00pm

A host of national organizations, from to the Sierra Club to AFL-CIO and wisconsinJobs with Justice, are hosting rallies across the nation at state capitols, all this Saturday at noon.

WMMT Community Corps interviews KFTC members on SB 6

February 21, 2011 at 07:00pm

WMMT, Whitesburg's Mountain Community Radio Station in Letcher County, offers ordinary citizens training and access to the tools they need to cover news that is important to them through the Community Correspondents Corps. Recently, Letcher County member Elizabeth Sanders teamed up with the Corps to report o

Hal Rogers, President Obama and the federal budget

February 16, 2011 at 07:00pm

There are two federal budgeting processes going on at the same time, both ramped up this week, and the swirl of numbers and dates can be confusing. 
