Kentuckians For The Commonwealth
Redistricting Handout Feb 2021
Kentuckians For The Commonwealth
Voting Rights Factsheet used in the 2019 General Assembly
Kentuckians For The Commonwealth
Introductory information about our campaign to restore voting rights to people with felonies in their past
Sentencing Project
This report from the Sentencing Project provides state-by-state data about how many individuals have lost the right to vote due to a crazy-quilt pattern of laws that bar people convicted of a felony from voting. Kentucky is one of three states that bars more than 20% of voting age African Americans from voting. A total of 243,842 Kentuckians have lost the right to vote.
Cumberland County News/Carl Wicklund
Carl Wicklund Letter on Voting Rights
League of Women Voters of Kentucky
This report on our felon disenfranchisement problem was issued by the League of Women Voters of Kentucky in 2006.