News of KFTC and our issues | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

News of KFTC and our issues

Grassroots energy: Trimble County woman campaigns to shed light on rural energy cooperative

April 11, 2012

A report on KFTC and Shelby Energy member Sonia McElroy's campaign for her rural electric co-op board of directors.

Coal Lobby Has Grown Since Upper Big Branch Disaster

April 6, 2012

The amount of money coal industries poured into federal lobbying has increased since the fatal explosion at the Upper Big Branch Mine in West Virginia.

"Obamacare" to help Black Lung benefit recipients

April 3, 2012

Proposed changes to U.S. Department of Labor rules would make it easier for coal miners and their families to obtain black lung benefits, while a West Virginia congressman aims to reduce the amount of paperwork they have to fill out in the first place.

LG&E weighs making ash landfill bigger

April 3, 2012

LG&E has begun talks with the state on a possible permit modification that would allow it to expand its existing coal combustion waste landfill at the Cane Run power plant in southwest Louisville.

State and LG&E officials acknowledged that preliminary talks had occurred.

Two years after UBB, coal-dust reform slowly moving forward

March 31, 2012

CHARLESTON, W.Va. -- As the second anniversary of the Upper Big Branch Mine Disaster approaches, attention remains focused on the ongoing criminal investigation and congressional inaction on mine safety reforms.

Clean Water and the Spruce Mine

March 28, 2012

The Obama administration’s decision last year to revoke a permit for a huge mine in West Virginia inspired hope that mountaintop mining, which has caused immense environmental damage across Appalachia, would soon be coming to an end.

Activists descend on Frankfort to push for the restoration of voting rights

March 14, 2012

Optimism marks coalition push for voting rights.

Justice Department bars Texas voter ID law

March 12, 2012

The U.S. Justice Department has blocked a new law in Texas requiring voters to show a photo ID. This law is similar to proposals before the Kentucky legislature.

Mountaintop removal violates Christian faith

March 7, 2012

Writing about Tennessee, the highest elected official of the Presbyterian Church (USA) says" "Mountaintop removal coal mining is an unacceptable desecration of God’s good creation. In a state that is known for its beautiful mountains, destroying these mountains simply doesn’t make sense."

Kentucky Voices: Denial of climate change dangerous political stand

March 4, 2012

The real threats of climate change and mountaintop removal demand that we reject the unseemly, self-preserving rhetoric of politicians and corporations.


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