News of KFTC and our issues | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

News of KFTC and our issues

Citizens organizing to protect water in Knott and Letcher counties

August 20, 2012

Residents from Knott and Letcher counties turned out at a permit conference to express concern about the impact of a proposed 6,000 acre underground mine on their water quality and health. Streams and water wells in the area are already severely contaminated by past mining operations.

Court rulings against the EPA aren't the end of the story

August 20, 2012

This op-ed describes the impact of recent court rulings against the EPA's stepped up enforcement of water quality laws in Central Appalachian mining communities.

GAO review supports Obama black lung rule

August 17, 2012

The Obama administration used appropriate scientific studies and analysis when it proposed to toughen the limits on coal dust to fight a resurgence of deadly black lung disease, a federal government audit made public Friday concluded. Despite this, Kentucky Senator Rand Paul and others oppose using their findings increasing protection for coal miners.

Chair of Blue Ribbon Tax Commission expresses doubt

August 15, 2012

Even before the Blue Ribbon Tax Commission has finished its public hearings, Lieutenant Governor Jerry Abramson is expressing doubt that the process will result in major reforms to Kentucky's outdated tax code. He predicted that the commission is likely to recommend "minor tweaks."

Sen. Paul ignores science on black lung disease

August 14, 2012

Sen. Rand Paul’s letter responding to the recent news stories about the alarming increase in black lung disease — coal worker’s pneumoconiosis (CWP) — among Appalachian coal miners and disputing the need for regulations proposed to reduce the level of respirable coal mine dust requires a response.

Hazard Herald column about economic trends in eastern Kentucky

August 14, 2012

This article is the latest in a series by Chris Ritchie of the Hazard Herald about economic trends, especially coal employment, in eastern Kentucky. He shines a light on the need for a public conversation and real leadership to promote an economic transition in the mountains.

Kentucky environmentalist Tom FitzGerald rejects federal mining agency award

August 5, 2012

Louisville environmental attorney Tom FitzGerald has turned down an award from a federal mining agency, saying, “Now is not a time of celebration of achievement, but rather a somber reminder … the promises made to the people of the coalfields remain largely unkept.”


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