News of KFTC and our issues | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

News of KFTC and our issues

Blue Ribbon Commission hears bleak outlook on state revenue

October 2, 2012

Kentucky's Budget Director Mary Lassiter gave the Blue Ribbon Tax Commission an overview of the state's financial picture yesterday. The outlook she described was bleak. State spending on Medicaid and interest on our debts has risen sharply in recent years, while funding for schools has flatlined and most state agencies have experienced funding cuts of 30 to 38 percent.

Tax Cuts for the Wealthiest Don’t Stimulate the Economy

September 27, 2012

There is not conclusive evidence to substantiate a clear relationship between the 65-year steady reduction in the top tax rates and economic growth. Analysis of such data suggests the reduction in the top tax rates have had little association with saving, investment, or productivity growth.

LG&E Withdraws Application For Second Ash Landfill at Cane Run

September 26, 2012

LG&E Withdraws Application for Second Ash Landfill at Cane Run

NASA Scientist Discusses Climate Change, Effect on Kentucky

September 24, 2012

In increasing numbers, scientists are in agreement that the earth’s climate is changing, and human carbon dioxide emissions are contributing to those changes. A NASA climate scientist was in Louisville this weekend to talk about the growing evidence.

Editoral calls for comprehensive tax reform

September 22, 2012

The Louisville Courier Journal ran an editorial calling on the Governor and state legislative leaders to take the need for tax reform seriously.

KFTC's Teri Blanton featured in new book and a profile on

September 21, 2012

Teri Blanton is featured in a new book called Eco-literate. A summary of her profile was published last week on

Do We Have Enough Water for Our Energy?

September 20, 2012

A new report out from Boston-based Synapse Energy Economics raises a question that doesn't seem to come up enough when talking about energy: what about water?

Health care reform: Try it, you'll like it

September 19, 2012

As provisions of the Affordable Care Act go into effect, Kentuckians are finding they like many of them, a recent poll found.

Trial delayed again in case that probes coal's influence on Beshear

September 18, 2012

A wrongful termination lawsuit filed by Ron Mills, who was fired in 2009 as Beshear's director of mine permits, was scheduled to start trial Monday in Franklin Circuit Court but has been delayed to Oct. 22.


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