News of KFTC and our issues | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

News of KFTC and our issues

Finally, a victory against mountaintop removal

November 30, 2012

This article reviews a recent court settlement in which Patriot Coal agreed to phase out large scale surface mining operations in West Virginia and decommission its enormous draglines so they cannot be used in other locations in Central Appalachia.

GAO: Expect significant changes for coal electricity

November 29, 2012


A new report out November 28 from the Government Accountability Office says coal will remain a key fuel source into the future, but its share of generation is going to continue declining. The report adds to the fairly common notion that less coal will be burned for domestic electricity production

Building a new economy from the ground up

November 28, 2012

This article gives a shout out to KFTC as one of many groups working to build a new economy that creates good jobs, curbs inequality and addresses urgent threats to our environment and democracy.

Kentucky Mine Flagged by MSHA, Placed on Special Status

November 28, 2012

The federal Minew SAfety and Health Administration has given four mines – including Pike Floyd Mining Inc.’s No. 3 Mine in Pike County – a warning that if they don’t make strides in health and safety, they could be put on a “pattern of violations” status.


Reform tax code without hurting poor, middle class

November 26, 2012

KFTC member JoAnn Schwartz has been participating in and following the conversations of the Kentucky Blue Ribbon Commission on Tax Reform. In this piece she reflects on the reasons Kentuckians can feel both hopeful and concerned as the Commission develops its final recommendations. And she urges us all to stay engaged.

Building a climate movement here at home

November 20, 2012

Matt Wasson makes a powerful case for organizing around issues of climate, clean energy, and an economic transition in the mountain counties of Central Appalachia. He argues, "We also need a ground game in the remote corners of swing states where national elections are won and lost, where campaign narratives are targeted and where climate activists rarely tread."

Germany charges ahead with solar power boom

November 16, 2012

Kentucky often has been compared to Germany for solar potential. But Germany has charged ahead in developing that potential, employing about 100,000 in the industry. Now experts are predicting the slow times of the last couple of years are coming to an end – for Germany, at least.

'Coal Blooded': New Report Slams Coal Plants for Poisoning Communities

November 16, 2012

Coal plants in the U.S. are "killing low-income communities and communities of color," according to a new report, "Coal Blooded: Putting Profits Before People."

Energy efficiency, wind and gas could replace obsolete coal plants and provide affordable, reliable electricity

November 13, 2012

As much as 18 percent of the country’s coal generating capacity should be considered for closure because the electricity it produces will be more expensive than energy from lower cost natural gas or wind power, according to a new independent analysis

Fiscal Cliff Talks Will Likely Target Medicare, Social Security, Programs For The Poor

November 11, 2012

Both Democrats and Republicans are disproportionately putting social programs on the chopping block as they try to figure out solutions to the "fiscal cliff" situation they put themselves in.


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