News of KFTC and our issues | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

News of KFTC and our issues

An open letter to President Barack Obama

November 9, 2012

A resident of Floyd County congratulates the president and invites him to visit Kentucky's 5th District. "Help us find a path to the future."

Living in the Fixer-Upper

October 29, 2012

The people of Eastern Kentucky are fed up with coming in last. We're ready to stop digging and start facing facts -- the facts of our own true resources and our mistakes.

How a Pell Grant helped me succeed

October 29, 2012

America invested in Dana Beasley Brown through a Pell Grant, and that helped her become a contributing member of society. In this letter, she urges Kentuckians to think about issues of economic justice as we go to the polls.

Overview of the Obama administrations actions & impact on the coal industry

October 20, 2012

This article does a solid job examining the impact of actions taken by the Obama administration that relate to the coal industry. The article quotes numerous people in the coal industry and financial sector who admit that the recent woes of the industry are "primarily due to changing market conditions, not environmental rule revisions."

New York Times examines the tense economic and political climate in coal mining communities

October 20, 2012

This long article examines the tense political and economic climate in the mountains of Central Appalachia as the coal industry enters a period of decline and blames its woes on enforcement actions by the current administration.

LG&E to Shut Down Coal-Fired Cane Run Plant Eight Months Early

October 15, 2012

Louisville Gas and Electric announced that its coal-burning Cane Run Power Plant will be shut down by May 2015, eight months earlier than planned.

Coal's decline forewarned: minable seams running out, experts say

October 13, 2012

Journalist Ken Ward describes volumes of evidence that recent job layoffs in the Central Appalachian coal industry are the result of declining coal reserves and stiff competition from cheap natural gas, not EPA regulations. He notes that overall coal production in the region is projected to drop by half by the end of this decade.

Laid off and looking for answers

October 12, 2012

This powerful interview with a recently laid off miner from Letcher County, KY is something everyone should hear.


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