News of KFTC and our issues | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

News of KFTC and our issues

Presidential candidates and coal

September 18, 2012

Coal has become a major issue in the presidential campaign, with both candidates touting the benefits of so-called "clean coal."

Kentucky tax breaks bleed billions of dollars from state government

September 17, 2012

In Kentucky, it seems as if there’s a tax break for everyone — and almost everything.

The state offers tax breaks for parsonages and precinct workers, public assistance benefits and prescription medicine, personal aircraft and theme parks.

Why can't Kentucky fix its broken tax code?

September 16, 2012

Kentucky's tax code is so outdated and filled with loopholes that experts say it has little chance of generating the billions of dollars of revenue that state government needs in the years ahead to continue providing the services Kentuckians have come to expect — even after the economy recovers.

Tax cuts don't lead to economic growth, 65-year study says

September 16, 2012

An analysis of six decades of data found that top tax rates "have had little association with saving, investment, or productivity growth." However, the study found that reductions of capital gains taxes and top marginal rate taxes have led to greater income inequality.

New scientific study describes impact of airborne mine dust on health

September 14, 2012

A new scientific study has been published that describes some ways that the health of people living near mountaintop removal mine sites may be harmed by breathing mine dust. The full peer reviewed study is available only with a subscription.

U of L president critical of cuts to education

September 13, 2012

University of Louisville President James Ramsey spoke out yesterday against unnamed politicians who "talk of education’s failures while espousing policies that fail to invest in education.” He noted that the university has been through 13 rounds of cuts in 12 years. 

Kentuckians among many "mountain heroes" in DC today

September 13, 2012

A number of KFTC members are participating in a rally against mountaintop removal mining in Washington DC today. The rally, organized by EarthJustice, features numerous "mountain heroes," including Kentuckians Wendell Berry, Mickey McCoy, Teri Blanton, and the band My Morning Jacket.

Harlan County miner now growing apples

September 12, 2012

Terry Creech is a second generation commercial apple grower in Harlan County, KY. A former coal miner, Creech says apple growing is demanding work but he loves seeing the sky above his head everyday.

Thousands Mourn Keeper of the Mountain Larry Gibson

September 9, 2012

Few people in our country were so fearless in the face of political pressure, bankers, Big Coal backlash and even death threats; and fewer people had the inspiring impact of this determined mountaineer, Lerry Gabison, who had spent the last two decades crisscrossing the country, leading protests and beseeching power brokers to defend his Appalachian mountains from reckless strip mining operatio


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