Air Quality
Sign-on letter to Congress calling for transformation of rural electric cooperatives
On February 23, 2021, a letter signed by 100 organizations - including KFTC - was sent to members of Congress, urging support for a 7-part platform of policies to transform rural electric cooperatives and the communities they serve. KFTC and Mountain Association are founding members of the Rural Power Coalition, which drafted and circulated the sign-on letter.
Scott County residents score victory against landfill!
This piece is written by member Beth Emery of Scott County. She and other members of the community led a fight against the Central Kentucky Landfill after it was proven there was illegal dumping in the landfill by the company that owns the landfill. Members in the Rolling Bluegrass KFTC Chapter joined the work in raising awareness about this issue, promoting and attending fiscal court meetings, zoning board meetings and more. The chapter is thrilled to be able to share what residents have won in Scott County, and celebrate their victory with them.
A road map to a Just Transition
A new report from a diverse set of frontline organizations outlines a set of comprehensive solutions needed to respond to the cascading and interlocking crises our communities face, including the climate crisis, COVID-19, and structural racism and inequality.
The report, A People’s Orientation to a Regenerative Economy, offers community groups, policy advocates, and policymakers a pathway to solutions that work for frontline communities and workers. These ideas have been collectively strategized by community organizations, including KFTC, and leaders from across multiple frontline and grassroots networks and alliances to ensure that regenerative economic solutions and ecological justice.
Tackling the A-Z Impacts of Plastics
Members of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth have built connections with allies across the Ohio River valley over the past few years around the fight to protect ORSANCO's regulatory mission.

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