Climate Justice | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Climate Justice

Empower Kentucky Leadership Network digs into Race-Class Narrative with JaNaé Bates

Minister JaNaé Bates speaking on Zoom

The Empower Kentucky Leadership Network–an ongoing cohort of 40 Kentuckians committed to building a stronger movement for climate and just transition–continues to grow and learn through monthly webinars and peer coaching calls. 

KFTC’s London office is on track to be completely solar-powered!

Solar panels on KFTC's London office building

Solar panels were recently installed on KFTC’s main office in London. This was the final step in a series of energy upgrades that the building had been undergoing in the last several months, which puts the office building on track to be completely solar-powered.

Reflections from the first Empower Kentucky Leadership Network retreat

To be in a room filled with so much talent and passion. Openness to have difficult conversations, and brilliance in finding solutions to heavy issues.

Karl Rabago Testimony on Solar Net-metering to KY Public Service Commission

KFTC and our allies at Mountain Association for Community Economic Development commissioned expert testimony from Karl Rabago, a nationally recognized expert in distribute renewable energy.


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