Fundraiser | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Louisville Loves Mountains Week

In early February, the Jefferson County Chapter held Louisville Loves Mountains week, a series of events leading up to the I Love Mountains Day march and rally on February 12.  Three events were scheduled to foster a better understanding of the African American culture in

Cheers for Kentucky and for Fairness in Wilderness Trace

It’s been a busy couple of months for members in the Wilderness Trace chapter.

In December, the chapter held its second annual holiday event, Cheers for Kentucky, at V the Market in Danville. Members took the opportunity to not only celebrate the great work the chapter had accomplished over the year, but to also educate people about the shifting political landscape in the chapter area. Because of redistricting, Boyle County is now represented by a new senator. Members posted large printouts of the new district maps and had conversations with people about the shift in legislators.

Northern Kentucky Loves Mountains!

The Northern Kentucky chapter is having a fundraiser featuring poets Scott Goebel and Jim Webb, and musicians Kentucky Graham and the Red Cedars. All of the performers have lent their talents to the work to fight mountaintop removal mining, and are looking forward to this great event!

Book signing at Morris Book Shop, Lexington

University of Kentucky sociology professor Shannon Elizabeth Bell will sign her new book, "Our Roots Run Deep as Ironweed: Appalachian Women and the Fight for Environmental Justice."

Fall Fundraising Campaign Wrap-up

Southern Kentucky chapter members Jeanie Smith and Dana Beasley Brown at their Democracy Party Fundraiser

2013 was a remarkable year for KFTC on many fronts. One of our biggest achievements was surpassing 8,000 members. More than any other year, we as an entire membership built the kind of organization that it takes to make the change we want to see. 

KFTC members held 25 house parties and events across the state and hosted almost 100 Powerbuilder personal fundraising pages. What happens when members participate in fundraising like this (apart from a total Facebook takeover)? We recruit more than 1,347 new members — including 738 during the last quarter of the year — and raise over $500,000. 


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