General Assembly | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

General Assembly

Join the fight for tax justice

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth is ramping up our organizing efforts around fighting for tax justice in 2017. We’re approaching a moment of urgency for this work, and want you involved. Below you will find several opportunities for you to get involved in this campaign and organize for economic justice in Kentucky. Please register for and/or share out this information to folks in your circles who's voices should be at the table for this work.

‘Empower Kentucky’ for the future

(P)lenty of Kentuckians want to diversify the state’s energy mix to save money and create jobs.

Protect our Constitution

Action steps to prevent the
re-writing of the U.S. Constitution

As State Loosens Oversight, Coal Ash Contaminates Central Kentucky Waterway

As Kentucky regulators and utilities are pushing to loosen regulations on the state’s coal ash ponds and landfills, more pollution problems are emerging at one of the sites in central Kentucky.

Stop HB 72 to protect neighbors' say in local development

When residents are empowered, we can do things like keep unwanted polluting industries out of our neighborhood or use local zoning laws to make sure development is consistent with land use plans and neighborhood goals.

When residents are successful, sometimes there’s a backlash, and that’s why House Bill 72 was filed.


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