General Assembly | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

General Assembly

Members Host Constitutional Convention Workshops!

Late last year members of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth and allies began to notice an increased presence of organizations working to pass a call for a constitutional convention in Kentucky. We began to work closely with allies to learn more about the issue, and came out in force to help make sure that the proposed 'con con' didn't receive a vote in the last General Assembly.

Scott County chapter hosts community conversation on taxes

The Scott County chapter hosted a community conversation around tax reform, allowing for members and others to discuss what they envision for Georgetown and Kentucky, and the role of state government in helping to bring that about.

Constitutional Convention Workshop

Join KFTC members and others as we learn more about what a constitutional convention is, how we can help stop it, and what it will take in the coming general assembly!

Community Forum on Tax Reform

Presentation by Anna Bauman, policy analyst with the Kentucky Center for Economic Policy in anticipation of proposed changes to Kentucky's tax system by Gov. Matt Bevin, and a possible special legislative session.

Hosted by Hopkinsville Young Democrats and Christian County Democratic Executive Committee

Tax Justice Training

Gov. Matt Bevin wants to change Kentucky's tax code to further reduce taxes on corporations and the wealthy while shifting taxes to working families through increased consumption taxes. Learn what's going on and how we are working for a better Kentucky with a tax system that is fair, sustainable and adequate.


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