| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Scott County chapter hosts community conversation on taxes

The Scott County chapter hosted a community conversation around tax reform, allowing for members and others to discuss what they envision for Georgetown and Kentucky, and the role of state government in helping to bring that about.

With the backdrop of an upcoming possible special legislative session, concerns around pensions for public workers and the budget shortfall facing the Kentucky General Assembly, attendees felt it important to talk about these critical issues in a new way.

The conversation was facilitated by several KFTC leaders and allies. Byron Moran of the Georgetown-Scott County NAACP, northern Kentucky KFTC member Lauren Gabbard, and local leaders Amy Farrar, Sharon Roggenkamp and others focused on the challenges that Scott County and the commonwealth face going forward.

Folks in attendance left committed to take action to protect the promises Kentucky has made to public workers, and to fight for a more fair and just tax structure. Attendees planned to write letters to the editor, talk with elected officials, discuss the importance of just tax reform in Kentucky and to follow the news coming out of state government.

The event had more than 20 people come out, including Georgetown City Councilwoman Millie Butcher Conway and State Senator Reggie Thomas of Lexington.

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