General Assembly | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

General Assembly

NKY Grassroots Lobby Training

Learning  about citizen lobbying with KFTC, what it is, how to talk to legislators, and learn about our priority legislative campaigns for 2013.

Part of the program will be to share lobby experiences and stories from around the room, so let me know if you can make it out.

Our Canary Project Organizer Kevin Pentz will also be there to help out.

Upcoming opportunities to mobilize your cluster in the General Assembly

Conversation spark

Now is a good time to be in touch with your cluster members and get them prepared for involvement in the legislative session. Here is a list of KFTC lobby days in Frankfort. Will you invite your cluster members to I Love Mountains Day on February 14 or the lobby day they might be most interested in?

Happy New Year! We're looking forward to a great new year with new staff and some ambitious goals.

As we do every year, in early January we turn our focus to the Kentucky General Assembly. KFTC members provide a very important grassroots presence in the legislature, with plenty of opportunities to get involved in Frankfort and at home.

Legislators met for 4 days at the beginning of the month to elect leaders and handle other administrative business. They will return to the capitol on February 5 until March 11 to consider legislation. We'll be prepared to push our four legislative priorities:

And we'll take positions on other bills as there is the opportunity or need to do so.

In order to make our voices heard in Frankfort, we need a visible and regular grassroots presence at the state capitol. Can spend one or more days lobbying with other KFTC members in Frankfort, and get some of your cluster members to come with you? It’s a great experience.

Besides the big rallies and lobby days we’ll have a KFTC presence at the General Assembly most Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Our lobby day usually starts by 9 a.m. and ends about 2 p.m.

If you can make it, check with your chapter organizer for days when a group will be going from your community. If coming from other areas or on your own, please let Lisa Abbott know you are coming so we can expect you — [email protected] or 859-200-5159.


Making our voices heard for clean energy policies

This slideshow is intended to prepare Kentuckians to have effective conversations with their elected officials about the opportunity and need for clean energy policies in our state. It was prepared by the Kentucky Sustainable Energy Alliance in January 2013.

Coal severance trust fund a good idea

The Hazard Herald published another strong editorial about what's needed to support economic diversification in eastern Kentucky. It states, "In 2011, the Mountain Association for Economic Development (MACED) released a report that urged leaders to form a trust fund from coal severance dollars that can be accessed later on for prioritized projects.


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