Voter Empowerment | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Voter Empowerment

Letter Writing Party!

The Northern Kentucky chapter is having a letter writing party to allow time, skills building, and materials to help folks feel comfortable to write letters to elected officials, media, or other decison makers. We hope you will join us in what is sure to be great evening!

UnElection Party!

The Northern Kentucky chapter is having an UnElection Party to both commemorate the fact that there is no election this year, but also to raise awareness about what we need to do as a state to have a stronger democracy.

UnDeadline Party!

We are hosting a house party at Velocity Bike and Bean to talk about our voter empowerment work, including on voting rights for former felons! 

We hope you will visit our website to register for our potluck, but regardless we hope you will give to help commit to our expansive voter empowerment work. 

Campbell County Meet Your Elected Official Night!

The Northern Kentucky chapter, along with allies from the Northern Kentucky chapter of People Advocating Recovery, the Center for Great Neighborhoods, and Northern Kentucky Pride, are putting together a series of open houses aimed at helping allow people meet those who are elected to represent them.

Kenton County Meet Your Elected Official Night

The Northern Kentucky chapter, along with allies from the Northern Kentucky chapter of People Advocating Recovery, the Center for Great Neighborhoods, and Northern Kentucky Pride, are putting together a series of open houses aimed at helping allow people meet those who are elected to represent them.


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