Voter Empowerment | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Voter Empowerment

Reflections on the 50th Anniversary of the March on Washington

KFTC sent a delegation of 11 people to participate in the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. They traveled with a group of about 100 Kentuckians on buses organized by the Kentucky Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression. These reflections and photos are from one member who made the trip.

Fifty years have passed since the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, when Martin Luther King Jr. famously bellowed, “I have a dream” here on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial where I now stand.

50th Anniversary of the March on Washington

There are deeply eroded grooves on each marble step, worn and weary from the footsteps of previous generations who likewise marched for equality. From the 1913 Women Suffrage Parade to the Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom in 1957, these steps have become sacred ground for the forgotten, neglected, and disenfranchised citizens of our nation.

Now here we stand, honoring the legacy of Dr. King, Medgar Evers, James Chaney, Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodman, and others who sacrificed their lives so that my generation could freely go to the polls on Election Day and attend integrated schools.

Northern Kentucky Voter Empowerment Meeting

The Northern Kentucky Voter Empowerment Work Team will be meeting to discuss voter education, registration, and mobilization plans for the end of 2013 and the elections upcoming in 2014.

Voting Rights Coalition - Northern Kentucky

KFTC members in Northern Kentucky, along with allies, are reaching out to the community to build a working coalition to fight for voting rights for former felons in Northern Kentucky.

Central Kentucky KFTC members meet with Senator Alice Forgy Kerr on Restoration of Voting Rights

On August 1, Central Kentucky KFTC members sat down with state Senator Alice Forgy Kerr to talk about the importance of restoring voting rights to former felons. Members were happy to have her full support.

Central Kentucky members Sarah Thomas, Teddi Robillard Smith, Mantell Stevens, and Pastor Anthony Everett shared their passion for the issue and created a space that allowed for a supportive conversation about the importance of democracy and the power of having a second chance.

Special Election TOMORROW

56th District map from the Lexington Herald-LeaderThere is a special legislative election tomorrow (Tuesday, June 25th) in the 56th House District, which covers Woodford County plus parts of Franklin and Fayette Counties. 

If you live in the district or think you might, please visit KFTC's election website at to learn about candidate stances, find voting location information, and more.  And whether you live in the district or not, please share this link with people who do live in the district - through email, Facebook, and more. 

In the last few weeks, KFTC members have sent out a mailing to thousands of likely voters, collected candidate responses, promoted our website heavily, brought people out to the candidate forum, and have held phone banks to follow up with people we know in the district. 

Unfortunately, turnout is often low in special elections, but KFTC members vote and the election might be decided by just a few votes, so each one matters.  

For KFTC members and friends who live in or near the district can get involved in some final election events today and tomorrow:

- Final Phone Bank - Monday, June 24th from 6 p.m. – 9 p.m.  We'll be calling from the Central Kentucky KFTC Office at 250 Plaza Dr. Lexington, KY 40503.

- Election Day Field Work - Tuesday, June 25th from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. with a base location in Versailles in order to encourage people to go to the polls, direct voters, hold signs, run a sound car, and maybe even offer folks a ride to the polls. Let us know if you'd like to volunteer with us.

And again, please visit and share the link to


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