Voter Empowerment | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Voter Empowerment

Task force hears testimony on voting rights bills

For the first time, some members of the Kentucky Senate got to hear testimony on the issue of restoring voting rights to former felons.

Myrna Perez

The Interim Task Force on Elections, Constitutional Amendments and Intergovernmental Affairs, with members from both the House and Senate, heard testimony on bills that would allow Kentucky voters to amend the state constitution to automatically restore voting rights to former felons once they’ve served their debt to society.

Take action on voting rights!

KFTC members know our democracy works best when everyone has a voice and a vote. Next Tuesday the campaign to restore voting rights to former felons in Kentucky who have paid their debt to society will take an important step forward.

Background Information about Voter Identification Laws in Kentucky and beyond

This document contains information about the current voter identification law in Kentucky, the impacts that proposed changes to the law may have on Kentuckians, KFTC's position on voter identification, and other resources.

KFTC Voter Empowerment Training Day

KFTC seeks to build and promote an authentic, participatory democracy.  Join us at this training to learn more about KFTC's approach to empowering voters and give you the skills needed to help empower voters next year and beyond!  

Supreme Court to hear important campaign finance reform case!

Next Tuesday the Supreme Court is hearing a huge case on campaign finance reform. And Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell will be there to testify in favor of eliminating campaign contribution limits in the case McCutcheon vs FEC.
Right now individuals are limited in how much we can give to a candidate running for office. Senator McConnell and others are arguing that since you can give unlimited amounts of money to super PACs, you should be able to give unlimited amounts of cash directly to candidates. This could open up an additional floodgate for money in campaigns. In the last election cycle, one individual gave $20.5 million to the American Crossroads PAC.  


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