Voter Empowerment | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Voter Empowerment

KFTC members vote!

We crunched the numbers and found that a whopping 73% of eligible KFTC members have voted in all three of the more recent General Elections we studied in Kentucky (2008, 2006, and 2005). Compare that to only 37% of Kentucky registered voters overall who voted in all three of those same elections.

Reflections from a first-time phone banker

IMG_9736In Louisville, we've been having a blast making Get Out The Vote calls to our members and to people we’ve registered to vote this year. Thanks to our amazing volunteer members, to date, we have made 1494 calls! The main purpose of these calls is to make sure people know where to vote and have a way to get to their polling place. Calling these folks has been immensely rewarding as many of the people we have reached had no idea where to vote, and we were eager to provide them that information.

Making these calls might seem a little scary to people at first, but take it from first-time KFTC phonebanker Chris Hale, calling folks is easy and exciting to do!

Bowling Green phonebank/sign making party

Bowling Green voter mobilization phone bank/sign making party

Bowling Green phonebank/potluck

Voter mobilization phonebank with potluck.

Election Day in 1 week! - Volunteer with KFTC!

gDSC_0410Election Day is just 7 days away and KFTC members across the state are pitching in to educate voters and get them out to the polls! 

Right now, phone banks are our very best way to reach people to make sure they're all set to vote next Tuesday.  We're calling all KFTC members, the 4,814 people we registered to vote this year, plus thousands of other people we've been in touch with lately.  Please contact your local KFTC organizer to ask when the next phone banks are in your area and volunteer! 


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