Voter Empowerment | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Voter Empowerment

Power of Voice - Tayna Fogle

Our friends at the Marguerite Casey Foundation and Equal Voice just put together a powerful video following one of our leaders, Tayna Fogle, of Lexington.

Power of Voice from Equal Voice on Vimeo.

Tayna Fogle is a grandmother, basketball player extraordinaire, and former addict who spent nearly part a decade in prison. In order to stand up for the issues that were important to her family, she had to bravely defend against harsh drug sentencing policies and learn to navigate bureaucratic mazes to regain her right to vote. Today she works with Kentuckians for the Commonwealth as an organizer and voting rights activist to help others do the same. Her story is appropriately called “Power of Voice.”

Eastern KY Voter Mobilization Update

training KFTC members from Perry and Letcher counties came together last night to hold an East Kentucky phone-banking event in preparation for election day, next Tuesday November 6.

With support from members of these two chapters, we held the largest phonebank that East Kentucky has had in at least the last three years, with 8 members, staff and volunteers calling over 300 members – every person in our database for the east Kentucky counties and the 100 people we helped register as new voters during the fall voter registration period.

UK Voting Rights Forum

viewerIn Kentucky, felons lose their voting rights forever.

Zombies, voter guides, and phone calls, oh-my.

gDSC_0427Scott County KFTC member have been busy lately

gDSC_0413A few days ago, we gathered with Georgetown NAACP and had an evening of voter mobilization calls, calling through a list of 150 people in an evening, and making a plan to distribute 300 print voter guides. 

Last night, our allies in the Georgetown College Sociology Club organized a Social Justice workshop where students got to learn about the work of such campus groups as the Student Abolitionist Movement, Student Women and Gender Society, Campus Spectrum, Georgetown Sustainability Initiative, Ambassadors of Diversity, and Common Ground (Campus Ministry).  

Madison County Voter Mobilization Update

EKU2Madison County has been at it again!  On Halloween, members pounded the pavement on EKU's campus, handing out "Zombie" election reminders and voter guides.  Many students are excited to be voting in their first Presidential Election and promised to get to the polls next Tuesday.

On Thursday night members met at the Berea office to eat a pasta dinner (with homemade sauce - YUM!) and snack on leftover Halloween candy.  We made over a hundred phone calls to voters who registered at our tabling events, and got positive responses.  Several voters appreciated that we could look up their polling place online, and many are planning to look up their ballot ahead of time by using the link on


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