KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Catch the EKY Mega Bus to I Love Mountains Day!

Posted by: Tanya Turner on February 8, 2012
I love Mountains 2011


Crepes of Wrath!

Posted by: Tanya Turner on February 7, 2012


The annual "Crepes of Wrath" event was held this past Saturday in Eolia in the home of Sharman and Jeff Chapman-Crane.  Letcher County members gathered early that morning for Jeff's infamous crepes filled with a choice of a buffet of fresh ingredients.  Among the spread was fresh blueberries, strawberries, melons, yogurt, sour cream, honey, maple syrup, and pecans!  

Jeff grilled up the crepes fresh and announced to the hungry crowd as each was ready.  It was a shuffle in the living room to get to the kitchen for the next hot crepe! 

After breakfast, tea, and coffee, members gathered at the kitchen table to start writing letters to local papers and their legislators. 

Victory on Redistricting! - Let's keep it up.

Posted by: Erik Hungerbuhler on February 7, 2012

"Do it right, do it fairly this time"


A couple of weeks ago, Democratic House and Republican Senate leadership passed and Governor Beshear signed legislative re-districting plans that are vindictive against specific lawmakers, leave one incumbent lawmaker without a district to run for re-election, leaves citizens of another district represented by a senator from 200 miles away who they didn't vote for, and creates very oddly shaped districts that unnecessarily divide communities and counties.

Fortunately, the Franklin Circuit Court stepped in yesterday and declared the redistricting plans unconstitutional and restored the district lines to how they were last year, tasking the legislature to come up with new and constitutional plans.

Support I Love Mountains Day from home

Posted by: Erik Hungerbuhler on February 6, 2012

Union College plans trip to I Love Mountains Day!

Posted by: Tanya Turner on February 6, 2012

Former Felon Voices - James Snyder, Scott County

Posted by: Dave Newton on February 4, 2012

James Snyder 1

In an attempt to share more of the stories from former felons across the Commonwealth, we're presenting a series of short interviews every few weeks on our blog and in balancing the scales.

"I'm a veteran of 9 years in the US Army infantry.
My dad was in the military and I grew up on army bases...  Both my grandfathers served in the military too." 

But despite this service and more, James Snyder does not have the right to vote here in Kentucky. 

Voting Rights Update - And please call in today!

Posted by: Dave Newton on February 4, 2012

Scott County KFTC "Chatter"

Posted by: Dave Newton on February 4, 2012


The Scott County Chapter had another great meeting on Thursday.  Members reported on the last Steering Committee meeting, the Martin Luther King Day march in Georgetown, lobby-training in Lexington, and some exciting first-time lobbying in Frankfort – by a new member, at that!

We welcomed several active new members, including two sociology majors at Georgetown College who plan to focus on organizing their fellow undergraduates.

Citizen Lobby Training in Madison County

Posted by: Cory Lowery on February 2, 2012


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