KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Election Day - Polls are now open!

Posted by: Dave Newton on May 21, 2012

gIMG_5047It's 6 a.m. and polls are now open in the Kentucky Primary.

So get out there and Vote!

As always, www.KentuckyElection.org has key information about candidate stances, voting locations, links to what your ballot will look like today, and other important information.  Use it to cast an informed vote today and share it with friends!

Election Day is TOMORROW! - KentuckyElection.org, plus

Posted by: Dave Newton on May 20, 2012

gIMG_5289Kentucky's Primary Election is tomorrow, Tuesday, May 22nd and polls are open from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Please take some time today to visit www.KentuckyElection.org to help make a plan to vote tomorrow. 

There, you can find information about your voting location, candidate stances on important issues, and links to external resources.  

Gov. Beshear's Special Guests

Posted by: Jerry Hardt on May 20, 2012

Gov. Steve Beshear has been cozying up with big coal executives even more than usual in the last year.

A story this morning by Tom Loftus in The Courier-Journal revealed that Don Blankenship, the former CEO of Massey Energy who was in charge when 29 miners were killed at the Upper Big Branch Mine in 2010, was was part of the governor's Derby Day entourage this year.

Georgetown NAACP Banquet

Posted by: Dave Newton on May 19, 2012

gIMG_5414Our friends at the Scott County/ Georgetown chapter of the NAACP held their annual banquet last night, bringing out many great friends of social justice organizing and local politicians including Charlie Hoffman and Congressman Ben Chandler.

Over 100 people participated overall and proceeds of the event went to the local NAACP scholarship fund.

H2O-rganizing Trainings Get Underway

Posted by: Lisa Abbott on May 17, 2012

About 20 KFTC members from 10 counties met in Prestonsburg last week for a training about ways to use community organizing and community science to enforce the Clean Water Act and protect the health of their communities.

"Knowledge is power," noted one participant from Magoffin County. "Water testing is a good way to get other people involved. To be honest, lots of people don't pay much attention to so-called experts. But information they get from their neighbors holds more water."


Welcome to the 4th Annual Louisville Loves Mountains Day!

Posted by: Laura Read on May 17, 2012

Louisville Loves Mountains

Louisville Loves Mountains has officially kicked off, welcome y'all!

We're here in Louisville, KY to spread the word that our state and our people deserve better (and know better) than to destroy our biodiversity and sell our quality of life away to King Coal! Our mountains are precious and so are the people who inhabit them. It's not just our history, heritage, and environment at stake; it's our health, jobs, legislation, resources, and future energy solutions that we need to work to protect and grow. Please join us in a city-style hootenanny to raise awareness of the fact that we all live downstream!

Women give powerful testimony at UN Tribunal

Posted by: Jerry Hardt on May 17, 2012

Several KFTC members participated in a powerful program last week to draw attention to the connections between what is happening to the land and people in Central Appalachia and related conditions throughout the world.

They shared testimony with other women from the region about the health, economic, community and environmental impacts of coal at the Central Appalachian Women's Tribunal on Climate Justice. The event took place May 10 in Charleston, West Virginia.

KFTC Members "Connect The Dots" About Climate Change At Derby

Posted by: Nancy Reinhart on May 16, 2012

Group Derby EventKFTC members held signs, displayed homemade art hats and had conversations about climate change during this year's Kentucky Derby on May 5th, 2012. They were acting in concert with organization 350.org during it's international "Connect the Dots: Showing the Human Face of Climate Change" event. The goal was to communicate the connection between the extreme weather the world is experiencing and climate change.

Republican Governor of Virginia Pushes to Restore Voting Rights

Posted by: Dave Newton on May 16, 2012

35421_1360070120623_1197630007_30870127_3370161_nThere was an interesting Associated Press piece earlier this month about Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell's push to restore voting rights to former felons who have served their debt to society. 

Virginia, like Kentucky, is one of four states that takes the right to vote away from all former felons for the rest of their lives even after they've served their debt to society.  


Transylvania students tour southeast KY with KFTC leaders

Posted by: Tanya Turner on May 15, 2012
At the home of Elmer Lloyd

Students and professors from Transylvania University in Lexington spent a week at Camp Blanton in Harlan County earlier this month.  During their time, they connected with KFTC leaders from all over Harlan, Letcher and Perry counties to learn about the land, culture and people of east Kentucky and beyond. They also spent some time in our Whitesburg KFTC office to screen our 30th anniversary film, I Was There: The first 30 years of KFTC. Below are photos from their experience.


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