KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Happy Democracy Day! - Polls are now open

Posted by: Dave Newton on November 3, 2008

Pushback Network Blogging

Posted by: Dave Newton on November 2, 2008

Pushback Logo

Election is Tomorrow!

Posted by: Dave Newton on November 2, 2008

$294 Million General Fund Shortfall Predicted

Posted by: Jessica Hays on October 29, 2008

Forum at UK In Response to Obama Effigy

Posted by: Dave Newton on October 28, 2008


Obama effigy found hanging in a noose at UK this morning

Posted by: Dave Newton on October 28, 2008

This morning, UK students found a likeness of Barack Obama hanging by noose from a tree just off Rose Street along the walkway to W.T. Young Library. 

Video from Unity in the Community Rally

Posted by: Erik Hungerbuhler on October 28, 2008

Election is in 7 days - Learn, Volunteer, and Vote!

Posted by: Dave Newton on October 27, 2008

vote checkmark

Economy Top Issue in Kentucky

Posted by: Jessica Hays on October 23, 2008


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