KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


NY Times Article on Former Felon Voting Rights

Posted by: Dave Newton on September 13, 2008

Kentucky-United in Recovery - in Louisville this weekend

Posted by: Dave Newton on September 13, 2008



Nearly 50 People Attend Voter Empowerment Training in Berea

This blog post was written by Beth Bissmeyer, a Berea College student and co-chair of the Madison County chapter.

Voter Empowerment Training in Whitesburg

Posted by: Dave Newton on September 6, 2008

Recent News on Coal, Energy and Mountaintop Removal Mining and Valley Fills

Posted by: Kevin Pentz on September 6, 2008

The following are news articles and blog posts about coal, mountaintop removal mining and valley fills, and energy from a regional, national and global perspective.

UK Voter Registration - 237 cards in one afternoon

Posted by: Dave Newton on September 3, 2008

Wizard Wrock Concert Pictures

Posted by: Dave Newton on September 3, 2008

Court rejects state's water quality exemptions

Posted by: jerry on September 3, 2008

Mr. President, eliminate Black Lung

Posted by: jerry on September 2, 2008


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