KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


NKY members learn of sustainability initiatives on tour

Posted by: KFTC staff on October 17, 2019

The Northern Kentucky Chapter hosted a Sustainability Tour in September with allies in Covington to learn about ways local communities are trying to promote sustainability.

Beshear and Bevin are tied in the polls. You can break that tie.

Posted by: KFTC Staff on October 16, 2019

IMG_1916According to a new poll released today, Andy Beshear and Matt Bevin are tied in the race for governor. You can break that tie.

One big take away from this poll is that KFTC's work is so crucial right now. While Bevin and Beshear are fighting over swing voters and turning out their bases, KFTC is helping to engage and turn out new voters – new voters that could make a decisive choice on election day.

But to do that, it will take all of us showing up. Will you volunteer with KFTC between now and election day? Sign up at www.WeAreKentuckians.org.

We registered over 2,500 voters!

Posted by: KFTC Staff on October 16, 2019

voters345353KFTC members relentlessly got out into their communities over the past few months to register their neighbors to vote door-to-door, at community events, and more.

The voter registration deadline was Monday, October 7.

In the end, we registered 2,560 voters!  Not only did we exceed our goal by over 500 voters, every region of the state hit or exceeded their goal!

We also recruited 4,841 people to sign petitions on various issues in that time and we did it all with 363 volunteer shifts by KFTC members like you!

Behind every one of those numbers are thousands of real people who we connected with.  People with stories who are just a little more empowered and connected to our Democracy because of that.   To see a gallery of pictures we took doing voter registration, look here!

Voting Rights work integrated with voter empowerment

Posted by: KFTC Staff on October 16, 2019

As the 2019 governor’s election looms close, KFTC members are continuing the fight to restore voting rights of people with felonies. The campaign is gaining momentum and getting stronger every week.

Here are a few highlights of recent work:

Voting Rights campaign update

Posted by: KFTC Staff on October 11, 2019


Even as the 2019 governor’s election looms close, KFTC members are continuing the fight to restore voting rights of people with felonies. The campaign is gaining momentum and getting stronger every week.

Here are a few highlights of recent work:

Reflections on the Georgetown Fairness victory

Photo taken by Mary Meehan of WEKU Radio. Danny Woolums, Jr, Georgeotwn native and CKY member, speaks about the need for Fairness at Georgetown Council meeting.
Posted by: Willow Hambrick on October 11, 2019

Georgetown passed a fairness ordinance on September 9, becoming the 13th Kentucky city to do so. Since writing this, Versailles became the next city to pass a fairness ordinance, and Highland Heights has had its first reading, with a second reading is scheduled for the 15th.

I am a retired public school teacher, an adjunct professor at Georgetown College, a mother of five children (two of whom are gay), and a grandmother to seven. My husband, a local pediatrician, and I both spoke in favor of the ordinance.

KFTC leaders confront results of racial justice assessment

Posted by: Mikaela Curry and Tiffany Duncan on October 11, 2019

“Solidarity is not a matter of altruism. Solidarity comes from the inability to tolerate the affront to our own integrity of passive or active collaboration in the oppression of others, and from the deep recognition of our most expansive self-interest. From the recognition that, like it or not, our liberation is bound up with that of every other being on the planet, and that politically, spiritually, in our heart of hearts we know anything else is unaffordable” 

— Aurora Levins Morales

As a part of KFTC’s commitment to racial justice, the Steering Committee made the decision last year to commit to a racial justice organizational assessment and visioning process. 

During the weekend of October 5-6, members of the Executive Committee, Steering Committee, Racial Justice Team and People of Color Caucus, as well as several staff, gathered to discuss the results of the Racial Justice Assessment that was conducted by Frontline Solutions, a Black-owned consulting firm that was hired to conduct an independent third-party analysis of KFTC’s culture, obstacles and goals regarding race equity work.

Big Sandy chapter hosts Disability Justice workshop

Posted by: KFTC Staff on October 10, 2019

Members of the Big Sandy chapter – inspired by the disability justice workshop at the annual meeting – came together in Prestonsburg to organize a local Disability Justice Workshop.

Voter Registration Deadline TODAY (Tuesday 10/7/19)

Posted by: KFTC Staff on October 7, 2019

EKU Voter Registration 9-17-19Today, Monday 10/7, is the Voter Registration Deadline in Kentucky;

If you're not registered or need to update your voter address because you've moved, get down to your local County Clerk's office or register online.

If you want to check your voter registration status just to be safe, visit the Voter Information Center

You can register or update your voting address online by 4pm today local time or by getting a voter registration card in the mail to your County Clerk postmarked today. 

Note that students who are away from home going to school have the right to either use a permanent home address or temporary local address as their voting address, but we encourage students to consider registering locally especially if home is far away.   You'll be at school on election day and it's easier to just walk right down the street and vote as opposed to going home or voting absentee. 

Note that 17 year-olds can register to vote if they will by 18 on or before November 5.

Whereas people with felonies in their past have their right to vote taken from them in Kentucky (unless they get a pardon from the Governor), people with misdemeanors in their past or people who are pre-trial in jails do have the right to register and vote.

Also, check out www.KentuckyElection.org to learn about candidates and where they stand on issues!

Members join climate strikes across the commonwealth

Posted by: KFTC Staff on October 2, 2019


As we stood under the blazing sun in Jefferson Square Park with our signs and petitions, Greta Thurnburg was delivering this quote to the United Nations, “You must unite behind the science. You must take action. You must do the impossible. Because giving up can never ever be an option.” 

At the Louisville Climate Strike, attendees were ready to unite and take action. KFTC Chairperson Cassia Herron spoke of the importance of voting and fighting against political bullying. Generations young and old clapped and hollered in solidarity. 

We knew that giving up on the planet and our future is not an option.


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