KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


NY Times Editorial on Voting Rights

Posted by: Dave Newton on August 8, 2009

A Loss for Voting Rights

August 4, 2009

Voting Rights in Seven Steps

Posted by: Dave Newton on August 8, 2009

Calling your KY Legislators is Easy

Posted by: Dave Newton on August 6, 2009


10 Chairs: The Role of Government in Economic Equality

Posted by: Jessica Hays on August 5, 2009

Rounding up?

Posted by: Lisa Abbott on August 3, 2009

As some folks are aware, there was a rally in Knott County last Saturday sponsored by several pro-coal industry groups.

Public Hearing in Wayland on Abandoned Mine Lands Issues

Posted by: Beverly May on August 2, 2009

At-Home Meetings With Legislators

Posted by: Dave Newton on August 2, 2009

Democracy Restoration Act of 2009

Posted by: Dave Newton on August 1, 2009

KFTC at Fancy Farm

Posted by: Dave Newton on August 1, 2009


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