| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

First day back lobbying in Frankfort was a big hit

gIMG_0114On Wednesday, KFTC members gathered in Frankfort for our first regular lobby day of the General Assembly, kickstarting our 2013 grassroots lobbying for legislation to restore voting rights toformer felons who have served their debt to society. 

This was the first time lobbying for several of us, and a key space to learn how.

In all, we talked to 19 legislators, several of which were new themselves, having just been elected the previous November. 

Two of our citizen lobbyists were former felons themselves, Mark Romines of Louisville and Teddi Smith Robillard of Lexington.  Telling their stories to legislators face-to-face and connecting with them was a really key part of the day.

gIMG_0111"I'm 70 years old and a former felon because of something I did much earlier in life.  I serve on a number of commissions and boards for the state of Kentucky and work with elected leaders.  Last year, I was finally able to vote for the first time.  People ought not have to be that committed of a citizen to get their right to vote in Kentucky."

"It was a great day.  Legislators can be a little too arrogant and not as sincere as they might be, but we still got a lot done."

"It was good to go out with KFTC - folks who really know the ropes.  I'm excited to get up there again next week for the HB 70 hearing."

                                                              - Teddi Smith Robillard

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