| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Opportunities to build new economic power in Frankfort this week

KFTC members at the state capital for last year's HB 127 Yard Sale, promoting our work on tax reform

The Kentucky General Assembly reconvenes next week with lots of important issues to tackle – and plenty of opportunities for KFTC members to make a strong grassroots presence felt in the decisions that will be made.

The opportunities start on Tuesday, February 5 when Rep. Jim Wayne has invited us to join his press conference to introduce a comprehensive tax reform bill. Rep. Wayne has been the strongest voice in the General Assembly for progressive tax reform that meets our principles of fairness, adequacy and improving the quality of life for Kentuckians. We plan to show our support at an 11 a.m. press conference in Capitol Annex Room 129. Please join us if you can.

On Wednesday evening, Gov. Steve Beshear will deliver his State of the Commonwealth address, and is likely to talk about tax reform among other issues. You might want to invite some others to join you in watching the speech (televised on KET at 7 p.m. EST) so you can discuss it afterwards and inspire each other to write letters to the editor or develop messages to legislators in response.

On Thursday, February 7, we will have our first major lobby day, focused on Economic Justice issues.  We’ll meet with legislators throughout the day to talk about the need for a fair and adequate tax system to support investments in the things that can make Kentucky a great place to live and work. Together we’ll make a case for stronger investments in affordable education, protections for our water and air, access to good health care, and the many other services that contribute to a decent quality of life for all Kentuckians.

We'll meet in Capitol Annex Room 125 from 8:30 until 9:45 a.m., and in the cafeteria (in the basement) after that for an orientation and lobbying assignments. We'll add you to a team with first-time and experienced citizens lobbyists, and continue until the legislators go into session at 2 p.m.

Can't make it to Frankfort?

If you can't join us in Frankfort next week, you can still make a difference by calling the Legislative Message Line (800-372-7181) and leave a message for your own state representative and all members of the House Appropriations and Revenue Committee, asking them to support tax reform that raises new revenue and makes our system more fair, as reflected in Rep. Wayne's bill (we won't have a bill number until next week).

Thanks for all you do! If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Lisa Abbott at [email protected] or 859-200-5159.

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