KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


KFTC Members Featured in Yes Magazine

Posted by: Carissa Lenfert on December 3, 2008

Larkspur Press open house

Posted by: jerry on December 2, 2008

Authors Reading in Berea

Posted by: Martin Richards on December 2, 2008

McClanahan Norman poster

State revenue shortfall grows to $454 million

Posted by: Jessica Hays on December 1, 2008

Polls are open for business in Georgia

Posted by: Dave Newton on December 1, 2008

vote checkmark

Democracy's Ghosts Pictures - EKU

Posted by: Dave Newton on December 1, 2008

Census - $13 an hour and great canvassing training

Posted by: Dave Newton on November 30, 2008

Democracy's Ghosts

Posted by: Dave Newton on November 30, 2008

House Partying in Berea

Posted by: Martin Richards on November 30, 2008

Still no action taken on the Stream Buffer Zone Rule change

Posted by: Kevin Pentz on November 29, 2008

For those of  you who have been trying to follow the twists and turns of the saga that has been the rule making of the changes to the Stream Buffer Zone rule, the good news is that so far the Bush


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