Madison County | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Chapter: Madison County

Do you believe community members have an important voice in the conversation about Madison County’s future?

The Madison County KFTC Chapter is a place where you, a member of this community, can work with others on issues we care about. Over the past year our members have worked together to promote clean energy at the local level, register and educate voters, support a Fairness ordinance in Berea, and much more. We have more than 500 members of various ages and backgrounds, and we welcome new folks.

Our monthly meeting is a great opportunity to learn what we’re up to, express your ideas and find a way to get involved.

Recent Activities

Madison County Voter Mobilization Update

It's been an exciting week in Madison County.  We held three phone banks.  The first was at Berea College where students called fellow students who had registered to vote on campus.  Everyone we talked to is excited to hit the polls and we answered questions that made it simpler for them to do so.

Our other two phone banks were member calls both to get out the vote and inform members about upcoming events.  Our everyone was so informed that we'll have no problem keeping up the KFTC tradition being a powerful voice in elections. 

KFTC registers 252 voters at EKU

Last week, the Madison County chapter of KFTC partnered with Eastern Kentucky University for a Rock the Vote festival on campus. Despite the rain, hundreds of students gathered for a cookout and live music. Chapter members Margaret Ricketts and David Fields, along with student volunteers, registered two hundred fifty-two voters over the course of the day.

At lunch the rush to register was so long that a registration table and clipboards in the crowd still left people in line. But they waited patiently. Many students were excited about the opportunity to vote in their first presidential election. 

Berea Human Rights Commission Anniversary

On September 19th, several members of the Madison County Chapter joined with Bereans For Fairness and students from Berea College to mark the one year anniversary of Berea's Human Rights Commission

KFTC Electoral Organizers hired, trained and ready to go!

Pictured left to right Tayna Fogle, Allyson Williams, Stephanie Tyree, Carey Henson, Linda Stettenbenz, Beth Bissmeyer, Jennifer Jeffers, Tanya Torp, Kristah Lavalle and Alan Smith.

KFTC's campaign to register, educate and mobilize thousands of voters leading up to the November 6 election took a leap forward August 27 as KFTC ran an intensive two-day training of our brand new electoral organizers from chapter areas across the state. These folks will be assisting KFTC members and chapter organizers build grassroots power and strengthening our democracy.

Madison County holds great chapter annual meeting

Dr. Chris Green

This Monday, members of the Madison County chapter gathered in Berea College’s Appalachian Center for the KFTC chapter annual meeting.


Chapter Feature:

Regular Meetings:

Berea Friends Meeting House
300 Harrison Rd
Berea, KY 40403
Monthly Chapter Meeting

Join us on the fourth Monday of every month at 7pm (unless otherwise noted) for our Madison County KFTC Chapter meeting. We share updates about our work, make plans for upcoming work, and much more. Everyone is welcome, and new faces are encouraged!

Chapter Organizer:

Shana Goggins
210 North Broadway #3
Berea, KY 40403