Madison County | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Chapter: Madison County

Do you believe community members have an important voice in the conversation about Madison County’s future?

The Madison County KFTC Chapter is a place where you, a member of this community, can work with others on issues we care about. Over the past year our members have worked together to promote clean energy at the local level, register and educate voters, support a Fairness ordinance in Berea, and much more. We have more than 500 members of various ages and backgrounds, and we welcome new folks.

Our monthly meeting is a great opportunity to learn what we’re up to, express your ideas and find a way to get involved.

Recent Activities

KFTC members get the Blue Ribbon!

Last night's marathon Public Input meeting marked the end of this important stage of the Blue Ribbon Tax Commission's process for recommending state tax reforms. Although a few good folks had to leave before they could deliver their statement – the meeting ran more than an hour over time – the call for progressive tax reforms and adequate revenue for health, education, and environmental protection and clean energy was loud and clear. Sixteen of the speakers lined up were KFTC members, some coming as concerned Kentuckians and some wearing the hat of an ally organization.

Last stop for the Blue Ribbon Commission! Have you weighed in?

Tonight is the last Blue Ribbon Tax Reform Commission Public Input Meeting--the invitation for Kentuckians across the state to have their say in what kind of Kentucky we deserve, and how we can best pay for it fairly.

If you live in Central Kentucky, come on out! 

Voter Registration Deadline Approaching April 23rd

Later this month on April 23rd is the deadline to register to vote for the May 22nd Primary Election in Kentucky, so KFTC is ramping up its voter registration field work.

Pie Auction in Madison County

Last Friday the Madison County chapter held a pie auction and square dance to raise funds for KFTC and Radical Action Mountain People (RAMPS).

You're invited to a pie auction and square dance

Square dance


Chapter Feature:

Regular Meetings:

Berea Friends Meeting House
300 Harrison Rd
Berea, KY 40403
Monthly Chapter Meeting

Join us on the fourth Monday of every month at 7pm (unless otherwise noted) for our Madison County KFTC Chapter meeting. We share updates about our work, make plans for upcoming work, and much more. Everyone is welcome, and new faces are encouraged!

Chapter Organizer:

Shana Goggins
210 North Broadway #3
Berea, KY 40403