Rolling Bluegrass | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Chapter: Rolling Bluegrass

If you think there should be a way for you to have more of a say about issues in Scott and Harrison counties, you're right! 

The Rolling Bluegrass Chapter of Kentuckians For The Commownealth is committed to holding elected officials accountable and making our democracy stronger while working to make our community better a better place for all of us. Come join us and get involved. We are currently working locally on making curbside recycling available in Georgetown, on pushing for a fairness ordinance in Scott and Harrison Counties, protecting water, and affirmatively furthering fair housing.

Recent Activities

More editorials in favor of Voting Rights

In addition to editorials by the Herald-Leader, Courier-Journal, WDRB, and others, there has been a new set published in the Georgetown News-Graphic (home of Senator Damon Thayer), and the Kentucky New Era (Hopkinsville).

Former Felon Voices - James Snyder, Scott County

James Snyder 1

In an attempt to share more of the stories from former felons across the Commonwealth, we're presenting a series of short interviews every few weeks on our blog and in balancing the scales.

"I'm a veteran of 9 years in the US Army infantry.
My dad was in the military and I grew up on army bases...  Both my grandfathers served in the military too." 

But despite this service and more, James Snyder does not have the right to vote here in Kentucky. 

Scott County KFTC "Chatter"


The Scott County Chapter had another great meeting on Thursday.  Members reported on the last Steering Committee meeting, the Martin Luther King Day march in Georgetown, lobby-training in Lexington, and some exciting first-time lobbying in Frankfort – by a new member, at that!

We welcomed several active new members, including two sociology majors at Georgetown College who plan to focus on organizing their fellow undergraduates.

Scott County Recycling Campaign Push and Update


Scott County KFTC members made a good start to the new year last night with a powerful chapter meeting, gearing up for the General Assembly, as well as a kick-start for the local curbside recycling campaign. 


Regular Meetings:

Scott County Public Llibrary
104 S. Bradford Ln.
Georgetown, KY 40324
Monthly chapter potluck

We meet on the 1st Thursday of the month starting at 6:30 p.m. People are encouraged to bring food to share, if they can. However, there always more than enough to go around!

Chapter Organizer:

Joe Gallenstein
Georgetown, KY