Resources & Publications | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Resources & Publications

Tax Expenditure Fiscal Analysis 2016-2018

A searchable spreadsheet of every tax expenditure (all $12 billion worth) in Kentucky and how much tax revenue we lose because of each.

Campaign For Our CommonWealth Talking Points

Some helpful talking points to use when talking about this work, calling your legislators, or writing Letters-to-the-Editor.

Campaign For Our CommonWealth Primer

A five-page handout that breaks down why Kentucky's tax code is upside down and unfair, why Governor Bevin'd idea of tax reform is bad, and what a better alternative is.

RECLAIM Act Petition

This is a printable version of the RECLAIM Act petition. The page can be printed front and back, or front only. 

Talking Points on Governor Bevin's Harmful Medicaid Waiver Proposal

Kentucky Voices for Health has produced this fact sheet and set of talking points about Governor Matt Bevin's harmful Medicaid Waiver proposal. The public comment period is open through midnight on August 2. Written comments can be submitted to  [email protected]. Two public hearings will be held on Friday, July 14, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.

RECLAIM Act Action Call Recording: May 15, 2017

Recording of "RECLAIM Act Action Call" from May 15, 2017. 

Expanding External Agency Funding

Instead of investing more money to lock up people who have broken the law, Louisville should put more time and money into addressing the conditions that lead people to commit crime in the first place. The city budget is one of the most effective ways that Metro government can prioritize a smart approach to tackling the root causes of crime.

LG&E / KU PSC hearing information

Information for the Ky. Public Service Commission April 2017 hearings on proposed service fee increases by Louisville Gas & Electric and Kentucky Utilities.

Stand For Kentucky Action call recording

Click here to download and listen to the February 9, 2017, Stand For Kentucky Action Call. 

KFTC Environmental Justice Analysis - Preliminary Report and Documentation

This report provides full documentation of several preliminary maps produced by KFTC's Environmental Justice Workteam. Feedback is welcome to [email protected]. A final report will be published in early 2017. 
