Congress | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Protect Kentucky's gains under the Affordable Care Act

Everyone should have affordable, quality health care – a message that was loud and clear in Kentucky’s town hall events last month with members of Congress. Despite those messages and calls, Congressional Republicans have proposed legislation that not only would dismantle the Affordable Care Act, but also Medicaid as we know it.

The Obama Idea to Save Coal Country

As part of the 2016 budget, the Obama White House created something called the POWER Plus plan specifically to help Appalachian communities that were getting left behind because of the rapidly changing energy market.

Struggle over retired coal miners’ health care comes back to Capitol Hill

A dispute over fixing the health care fund of thousands of retired coal miners almost shut down the federal government in December. The solution was only temporary, and the issue is about to command Congress’ attention again.

Profitable Companies, No Taxes: Here’s How They Did It

Complaining that the United States has one of the world’s highest corporate tax levels, President Trump and congressional Republicans have repeatedly vowed to shrink it.

Leaked report suggests millions could lose coverage under GOP health proposal

Republican replacement plans for Obamacare would lead to significant declines in the number of Americans with health insurance coverage, according to an analysis presented Saturday at


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