Congress | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Obamacare repeal may threaten drug treatment access

Repealing the Affordable Care Act would result in more than 61,400 Kentuckians with mental illness or substance use disorder losing coverage.

ACA repeal will kill people

People need to understand that not having insurance kills people.

ACA repeal would be devastating in Ky.

Communities thrive when they have a strong foundation made up of things like good schools and quality healthcare.

Nomination of Scott Pruitt to head the U.S. EPA threatens our health and climate

Among the many fossil-fueled extremists and climate deniers nominated by president-elect Donald Trump to lead key federal agencies, Scott Pruitt stands out as an extreme choice.

 Pruitt, who is originally from Danville, Kentucky, is Trump’s nominee to head the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. He currently serves as Oklahoma Attorney General where he has focused his political career advancing the interests of industrial agriculture and the fossil fuel industry. Along the way he has benefitted handsomely from their direct political contributions and the support of their political action committees.

Northern Kentucky Lobby Training

Join KFTC and others as we prep members for meeting with elected officials and other decision makers by learning more about the legislative process, good guidelines to go by, practice mock lobbying moments, and more.


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