Congress | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Fiscal Cliff Talks Will Likely Target Medicare, Social Security, Programs For The Poor

Both Democrats and Republicans are disproportionately putting social programs on the chopping block as they try to figure out solutions to the "fiscal cliff" situation they put themselves in.

An open letter to President Barack Obama

A resident of Floyd County congratulates the president and invites him to visit Kentucky's 5th District. "Help us find a path to the future."

Overview of the Obama administrations actions & impact on the coal industry

This article does a solid job examining the impact of actions taken by the Obama administration that relate to the coal industry. The article quotes numerous people in the coal industry and financial sector who admit that the recent woes of the industry are "primarily due to changing market conditions, not environmental rule revisions."

Presidential candidates and coal

Coal has become a major issue in the presidential campaign, with both candidates touting the benefits of so-called "clean coal."

Tax cuts don't lead to economic growth, 65-year study says

An analysis of six decades of data found that top tax rates "have had little association with saving, investment, or productivity growth." However, the study found that reductions of capital gains taxes and top marginal rate taxes have led to greater income inequality.


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