Congress | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Tell the Senate to protect our water!

Week in Washington AppVoices 064

 Several members of the U.S. Senate – including Kentucky senators McConnell and Paul – are pushing amendments that would keep the Environmental Protection Agency from doing its job, while also doing serious damage to the Clean Water Act.

They are pushing three amendments to the Water Resources Development Act of 2013 (S. 601), legislation directed at restoring ecosystems and reducing erosion. Those amendments are:

Week in Washington

KFTC members take part in the Week in Washington, an annual event organized by the Alliance for Appalachia, bringing together citizens from the Appalachian region and across the nation who care deeply about mountains, clean water and social justice. This year, we are ramping up pressure on federal agencies to push the U.S.

Renewable Energy Standards: State Success Stories

Produced by the Governors' Wind Energy Coalition, this report examines the experiences of states with renewable energy standards, policies that require utilities to get an increasing share of their electricity from renewable sources. The report is brief, easy to read, and compelling.

Today's the day to contact your federal rep about the Ryan budget!

The U.S. House is expected to vote on Rep. Paul Ryan's budget proposal today. Here are some resources for understanding the impact of Ryan's budget, along with numbers you can use to call in while there's still time!

Building a climate movement here at home

Matt Wasson makes a powerful case for organizing around issues of climate, clean energy, and an economic transition in the mountain counties of Central Appalachia. He argues, "We also need a ground game in the remote corners of swing states where national elections are won and lost, where campaign narratives are targeted and where climate activists rarely tread."


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