Congress | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


She can't speak out, so she's asking you to

As you've probably heard, President Obama and House and Senate leaders are meeting to try to come up with a budget that takes us through the end of this fiscal year, up to September.  Speaker Boehner (OH) is not only not compromising on the Rep Roger's proposed cuts, which are draconian by any sensible measure, but has also been increasing the cuts as the negotiations proceed.  It's not clear t

Tell Congress to support long-term solutions that put people first

Dana with Evie

“My name is Dana Beasley Brown and I live in Bowling Green with my husband and two children. I, like many of us, felt the impact of good economic policies such as the Pell Grant Program, without which I would not have been able to afford my bachelors degree.

Hal Rogers and the House budget proposal

Rep. Hal Rogers represents Kentucky's 5th Congressional District, which runs throughhal rogers part of southeast Kentucky. Rep. Rogers is also the new chair of the House Appropriations and Revenue Committee.

Hal Rogers, President Obama and the federal budget

There are two federal budgeting processes going on at the same time, both ramped up this week, and the swirl of numbers and dates can be confusing. 


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