KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Voices of people fighting to restore Voting Rights

Posted by: KFTC Staff on March 27, 2019

Quotes from the Rally For Voting Rights from some of the people who have lost the right to vote fighting to have their voices heard

“I’m a Kentuckian, I’m a citizen of the United States. How are you going to tell me that somebody who does all that doesn’t have the right to vote? How are you going to tell me that 312,000 should be weighed by these men and women to see if they have their god given right to vote?”
— Michael Hiser (Louisville)

Video - Rally for Voting Rights Makes an Impact

Posted by: KFTC Staff on March 27, 2019

Powerful video from our Rally for Voting Rights sharing the voices of people who have lost the right to vote.

NKY students register voters

Juli Russ helps orient other students for their canvass that day.
Posted by: Joe Gallenstein on March 18, 2019

This weekend northern Kentucky members helped support students in Fort Thomas do voter registration as part of the March For Our Lives movement.

The pies that bind

Posted by: By Matthew Frederick on March 15, 2019

This year’s Madison County KFTC pie auction on March 14 was an amazing success that brought together the community and built up grassroots energy. People came out, baked pies, ate pies and joined each other in fellowship.

Many turn out to speak to the importance of water

Posted by: Joe Gallenstein on March 15, 2019

In February roughly 100 people filled the Ohio River Valley Water Sanitation Commission to comment on proposals that woul

Rally for Voting Rights makes an impact

Posted by: KFTC Staff on March 13, 2019


g20190313_145053Today's Rally for Voting Rights in Frankfort was a strong combination – THIRTY organizational cosponsors, FOURTEEN people with felonies in their past telling their stories under the capitol dome, SIX media outlets covering the event, about 175 attendees, and with all that we built a lot of momentum and awareness for our fight for Voting Rights.

I am a woman. At home, at work, and on the campaign trail.

Posted by: Liz Sheehan on March 8, 2019

In a December article in the New York Times1, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg’s daughter, Jane, states, “My mother strongly believes there won’t be true equality until men take full participation in child care and other household tasks.” And, in both of the recent movies on her life, you see Justice Ginsberg’s husband doing just that: taking on more housework, cooking, and providing childcare thus allowing his wife the room to spend more time working outside their home.

Day of Empathy lays the foundation for ending mass incarceration

Posted by: KFTC Staff on March 5, 2019


Justice should heal. That's why we joined allies in Frankfort Tuesday for cut50's #DayofEmpathy.

KFTC members take action for LGBTQ Fairness

Madison Co KFTC members take action for Fairness
Posted by: KFTC Staff on March 5, 2019

KFTC members joined allies from across the state in Frankfort on February 26 to take action for LGBTQ rights and attend the Fairness Rally.

Voting Rights bill comes up for a hearing in House

Posted by: KFTC Staff on February 26, 2019


On Monday, members of the House Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee heard a voting rights bill to restore the right to vote to people with felonies in their past who have served their debt to society.

Primary sponsor Representative George Brown was joined by Representative Charles Booker and Representative Jason Nemes as a united and bipartisan front of legislators testifying in favor of the bill.


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