KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


KFTC members discuss diversity, celebrate good work

Posted by: KFTC on October 30, 2012

"You're reading the status of one of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth's newest members! :) The overall feeling I took away from my KFTC weekend was pride. Seeing folks from all over our commonwealth, coming together for the betterment of everyone, not just a select few. As Kentuckians, we are bombarded with negative images/stereotypes/bad politics constantly. I've never loved this land and its people more than I do right now and I'm more than hopeful for our shared future. If you love Kentucky, join us!"

--Facebook post by Sarah Martin, who attended her first KFTC Annual Membership Meeting last weekend

About 175 folks from across Kentucky took over the Kentucky Leadership Center in Jabez last weekend for KFTC’s Annual Membership Meeting. Surrounded by new and long-time friends and a palette of fall color, members considered the theme “Celebrating Our Differences: Finding Common Ground.”

Keynote speaker K.A. Owens, a past chair of KFTC, described the importance of diversity in making change.

“I believe that diversity is not a chore; it’s not a burden,” Owens said. “We believe in diversity because it’s right, because it works and because it’s fun. There is no reason for anybody to moan and groan because we are talking about diversity. Diversity is the best thing that ever happened to America, and it would not be great without it.”

Big Week Ahead in Scott County

Posted by: Dave Newton on October 29, 2012

Tim KlarerWe have a huge week ahead in Scott County with lots of voter mobilization events, so if you're in the area, come on out!

Tonight - Monday, Oct 29th - Scott County Voter Mobilization Phone bank - 6:30pm at the Meeting House at Georgetown College.  We'll call Georgetown residents to make sure they're all set to vote, along with our local NAACP allies.  

Tuesday, Oct 30th  - Thriller Zombie event in Georgetown 7pm down town o Main Street.  If we can, let's gather in front of the Lock and Key at 6:30pm and again at 7pm.  We'll pass out zombie-themed handbills encouraging people to vote. (Rain date is Oct 31st).

KFTC members choose new officers at annual meeting

Posted by: KFTC on October 28, 2012

At the KFTC annual meeting this morning, KFTC members selcted new statewide officers for the coming organizational year (from annual meeting to annual meeting).

Madison County Voter Mobilization Update

Posted by: Carey Henson on October 26, 2012

It's been an exciting week in Madison County.  We held three phone banks.  The first was at Berea College where students called fellow students who had registered to vote on campus.  Everyone we talked to is excited to hit the polls and we answered questions that made it simpler for them to do so.

Our other two phone banks were member calls both to get out the vote and inform members about upcoming events.  Our everyone was so informed that we'll have no problem keeping up the KFTC tradition being a powerful voice in elections. 

Zombie-related voter mobilization in the next few days

Posted by: Dave Newton on October 26, 2012

Zombies Can't Vote!

zombieBut you CAN!

 Don't be a zombie! - learn about the candidates at www.KentuckyElection.org and vote on Tuesday, November 6th.

With Halloween close upon us, there are a lot of big zombie-related shenanigans across the state of Kentucky in the next few days. 

And with the election just a couple of days after, we decided to use this opportunity to mobilize voters - and have a lot of fun doing it.  

Upcoming Singing for Democracy in eastern Kentucky

Posted by: Stephanie Tyree on October 24, 2012

Postcard flier

gDSC_0366The Perry County KFTC Chapter and the Consolidated Baptist Church of Hazard are excited to be hosting the first gospel event Singing for Democracy in eastern Kentucky.

This celebratory event  – to supportthe restoration of voting rights to former felons who have served their time – will feature gospel performances by the Consolidated Baptist Choir, Rev. Jake Ravazi of Lynch, and others. Everyone is welcome to come join in the singing of hymns of redemption and hear testimony about the restriction of voting rights in Kentucky from prison ministries as well as from those who have been disenfranchis

Blue Ribbon Commission meets to hone in on recommendations

Lousiville contingent at the Blue Ribbon meeting
Posted by: Kentuckians For The Commonwealth on October 24, 2012

The Blue Ribbon Tax Reform Commission met in Frankfort yesterday to hone in on the tax reform recommendations that they'll be submitting to the Governor on Nov.

Write an election-related letter to the editor today

Posted by: Dave Newton on October 24, 2012

One way to have an impact on the election is to write a letter to the editor.  It's free, quick, easy, and is a way to reach thousands of people outside of your own personal circle with a message that might connect with their values, challenge their thinking on an issue or a candidate, or teach them something they don't yet know that might help inform their vote on election day.

Most newspapers have a deadline to submit election-related letters to the editor well in advance of the election, so it would be best to write one soon.

10th Singing For Democracy a big success

Posted by: Dave Newton on October 24, 2012

Last night at Total Grace Missionary Baptist Church in Lexington, KFTC members and friends held our tenth Singing For Democracy Gospel Fest.

About 150 people gathered for the event, which included a step show by Thunderous Praise, performances by Total Grace's choir and Renew, plus solo acts and former felons telling their personal stories. 

Tayna Fogle opened up the events amidst a stage filled with ladders, hammers, saw horses, and power tools and talked about building a Democracy - and the enfranchisement of former felons as an important step in that process.

KFTC Members Vote!

Posted by: Dave Newton on October 23, 2012

We crunched the numbers and found that a whopping 73% of eligible KFTC members have voted in all three of the more recent General Elections we studied in Kentucky (2008, 2006, and 2005). Compare that to only 37% of Kentucky registered voters overall who voted in all three of those same elections.

We can estimate from this that more than 95% of KFTC members who have the right to vote will vote in the big presidential election this November.



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