KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Thank you to our Sustaining Givers

Posted by: Jessica George on August 27, 2012

The Louisville office is filled with bags of Heine Brothers' Mountain Dream coffee to send to those members who set up a Sustaining Gift or increased their existing Sustaining Gift in June or July.

Students back and organizing across the Commonwealth

Posted by: Dave Newton on August 22, 2012

gIMG_6599Students are back at universities across the state and KFTC members on campuses are organizing to meet incoming freshmen and introduce them to community organizing. 

At Georgetown College this weekend, Homer White organized a series of small meetings with incoming freshmen to talk about opportunities toget involved in the community including through KFTC. 

KFTC members get the Blue Ribbon!

Posted by: Kentuckians For The Commonwealth on August 22, 2012

Last night's marathon Public Input meeting marked the end of this important stage of the Blue Ribbon Tax Commission's process for recommending state tax reforms. Although a few good folks had to leave before they could deliver their statement – the meeting ran more than an hour over time – the call for progressive tax reforms and adequate revenue for health, education, and environmental protection and clean energy was loud and clear. Sixteen of the speakers lined up were KFTC members, some coming as concerned Kentuckians and some wearing the hat of an ally organization.

Last stop for the Blue Ribbon Commission! Have you weighed in?

Posted by: Kentuckians For The Commonwealth on August 21, 2012

Tonight is the last Blue Ribbon Tax Reform Commission Public Input Meeting--the invitation for Kentuckians across the state to have their say in what kind of Kentucky we deserve, and how we can best pay for it fairly.

If you live in Central Kentucky, come on out! 

Another milestone – 31 years!

Pie by Megan Naseman
Posted by: KFTC on August 17, 2012

Thirty-one years ago today (August 17), no one in that room in Hazard likely imagined the organization that KFTC is today as they set out to address an unfair tax system and abuses by the coal indu

Mill Creek and Puncheon residents need your help

Posted by: Kristi Kendall on August 16, 2012

The folks on Mill Creek and surrounding areas of eastern Kentucky are once again fighting to protect their homes, water and health.

The STAY Project: empowering young leaders in Kentucky & beyond

Posted by: Tanya Turner on August 9, 2012

It was “not only a wonderful way to come together face-to-face as Kentucky youth, it was a way to come together as youth from across Central Appalachia," KFTC member Elizabeth Sanders described the

Kentucky leads nation in toxic pollution from power plants

Posted by: KFTC on August 9, 2012

While toxic air emissions decreased nationwide, they increased in Kentucky. Meanwhile, Kentucky politicians are voting to make sure our air stays unhealthy.

Blue Ribbon public meeting: Eastern Kentucky members speak of fairness, opportunities and good jobs

Posted by: Jessica Hays Lucas on August 8, 2012

Last night was the penultimate Blue Ribbon Tax Reform Commission public input meeting, and eastern Kentucky KFTC

KFTC members make the case for New Power at Fancy Farm

Posted by: Dave Newton on August 6, 2012

For those of you who aren't familiar with Fancy Farm, it's a far western Kentucky church picnic well known for massive amounts of barbeque and almost as much Bingo.


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