KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Mining and Politics

Posted by: Carissa Lenfert on December 14, 2008

Governor proposals options for revenue crisis; forums planned

Posted by: Jessica Hays on December 11, 2008

This week Governor Steve Beshear released his proposals for dealing with the state's latest revenue crisis: a mix of further cuts to state programs and services, a 70-cent cigarette tax increase, a three-day furlough for state workers, and taking money from the rainy day fund and restricted funds.

Democracy's Ghosts Showing in Bowling Green last night

Posted by: Dave Newton on December 10, 2008

KFTC joins chorus against Duke Power appointment

Posted by: jerry on December 9, 2008

What would 4% cuts to our public investments mean?

Posted by: Jessica Hays on December 9, 2008

Obama's 1st 100 Days - Pressure on MTR

Posted by: Dave Newton on December 8, 2008



National Media Campaign Fights rtwaqClean Coalrtwaq Myth

Posted by: Dave Newton on December 5, 2008


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