KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


A Day of Solidarity with Appalachian Mountain Heroes

Posted by: KFTC on September 13, 2012

KFTC members are participating in several events Thursday in Washington, DC as part of A Day of Solidarity with Appalachian Mountain Heroes.

Northern Kentucky voter registration update!

Posted by: Joe Gallenstein on September 12, 2012

Northern Kentucky, not to be forgotten, has had it's own share of success this voter registration season.

Wilderness Trace: Happy to be KFTC's newest chapter!

Posted by: Jim Porter on September 11, 2012

A group of us have been meeting in the Danville  area for almost a year now to discuss environmental and other local issues. Although we considered ourselves to be affiliated with KFTC we had not taken the step of applying to KFTC for status as an actual active chapter until Monday night, September 3.

We are proud to announce that we are now officially a bona fide KFTC chapter (the "Wilderness Trace Chapter") with members in Boyle, Garrard, Lincoln and Mercer counties. 

Chapter Development Armchair Seminar Tonight: Download what you missed

Posted by: Carissa Lenfert on September 10, 2012

Did you miss the KFTC Chapter Development Armchair Seminar tonight?  If so, don't worry, you can download a copy of the power points slides with notes and flip through them at your leisure.

UK KFTC registers 170 voters in one day and over 430 total so far

Posted by: Dave Newton on September 10, 2012

Our University of Kentucky KFTC group registered 170 voters on campus in just one day.

Add that to the last two campus registration days days and we've registered 430 students already.

Roots and Heritage a big success for voter empowerment

Posted by: Dave Newton and Ondine Quinn on September 10, 2012

gIMG_6790 This past weekend, Lexington held its annual Roots and Heritage Festival, which is a celebration of African-American heritage, culture and achievement. Many members from the Central Kentucky chapter of KFTC ran a booth on Saturday where they registered 58 voters.gIMG_6745

We also had great conversations with festival goers about KFTC's work to restore voting rights to former felons who’ve paid their debt to society and got an incredible 427 postcards signed in support of voting rights. 

Floyd County hosts Church of the Epiphany

Beverly May and Rick Handshoe speaking to a group from Church of the Epiphany
Posted by: Kristi Kendall on September 10, 2012

On Saturday, Floyd County members Rick Handshoe and Beverly May hosted a group from Church of the Epiphany in Louisville.

Federal taxes on Kentucky Tonight, starring Jason Bailey. 8pm on KET

Posted by: Kentuckians For The Commonwealth on September 10, 2012

Tonight's Kentucky Tonight is about the federal budget.

Louisville weekend update

Posted by: Kristah Lavalle and Jennifer Jeffers on September 9, 2012

IMG560Today, two KFTC electoral organizers went to St. Stephen's Baptist Church in Louisville to register voters and give out information about voting rights. We registered 30 voters and gave a lot of registration cards for people to take home to family members but they will be returning those cards to the church and they will contact us to pick them up.

Knott County Gingerbread Festival quick report

Posted by: Allyson Williams on September 9, 2012

GingerbreadFestivalKFTC volunteers and organizers worked all three days of the Knott County Gingerbread Festival and registered almost 50 new voters this weekend !

Fern Nafziger, a local KFTC member, is pictured helping someone to register. 


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