KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


This isn't good government. Call now.

Posted by: KFTC Staff on December 17, 2018
KFTC is working for a healthy democracy--one that encourages people to vote, and that honors processes that uphold checks and balances to prevent the abuse of power.
Governor Bevin just called a Special Session beginning tonight at 8:00pm eastern. The purpose of the Special Session is to try to ram through the policies of the so-called “sewer bill,” which was passed in a way that was recently ruled unconstitutional by the Kentucky Supreme Court.

Steering Committee members discuss 2018 election work

Posted by: KFTC Staff on December 5, 2018

KFTC Steering Committee members found a lot of positives to lift up as they evaluated KFTC’s electoral work in 2018, even as they recognized the need for bigger and better efforts in the coming yea

Kentuckians act to support miners with black lung disease

Posted by: KFTC staff on November 29, 2018

Kentuckians took action today in Washington, DC and London, Kentucky to urge Senator Mitch McConnell and other members of Congress to do right by coal miners with bl

Cultural Appropriation: resources for the holiday season

Posted by: KFTC Racial Justice Committee written by Committee Members: Meta Mendel-Reyes, Wendy Warren and Bobby Starnes on November 28, 2018

As the holiday season progresses from Halloween to Thanksgiving to holidays celebrated by many people during Winter Break, the KFTC Racial Justice Committee had the opportunity to pause and have a

Voting Rights Victory in Florida Energizes Kentuckians

Posted by: KFTC Staff on November 27, 2018

Attica Scott RallyAmong a lot of other state and national election results earlier this month, voters in Florida passed an amendment to automatically restore voting rights to 1.4 million citizens with felonies in their past.  An incredible 64 percent of Florida voters voted in for the change.

The amendment restores the right to vote for people with felonies in their past, except people convicted of a handful of the most serious crimes, once they have served their time (including probation and parole).

Florida was previously one of just 4 states in the US (along with Kentucky, Iowa, and Virginia) whose constitutions permanently take voting rights away from all people with felonies in their past unless they’re able to take extraordinary measures to have their voting rights restored individual through a governor’s pardon. 

With the victory in Florida and the Governor of Virginia’s pledge to use his pardoning power to restore all voting rights to people as they complete their sentences, only Kentucky and Iowa are left with the most extreme felony disenfranchisement practices in the US and in the world. 

This big win has energized Kentuckians around restoration of voting rights and several organizations including KFTC are prioritizing our long-running campaign to restore voting rights to people with felonies in their past after they have served their debt to society. 

Support a PowerBuilder and double your gift

Posted by: KFTC Staff on November 26, 2018

Right now, during KFTC’s fall fundraising campaign, all gifts to PowerBuilders will be matched dollar for dollar up to $25,000.

What’s a PowerBuilder? A PowerBuilder hosts a personal fundraising page to raise funds for KFTC and invite new folks into the work.

You can find our PowerBuilders at: actionfordemocracy.causevox.com

Barbourville Fairness Group forms

Posted by: Cathy Rhoden-Goguen on November 23, 2018

A famous excerpt by poet John Donne, "No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main; any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankin

2018 election by the numbers

Posted by: KFTC Staff on November 14, 2018

Oktoberfest 3KFTC members leaned into this election cycle more heavily than any other, conducting large-scale voter registration, education and mobilization in our communities to lift up important issues, to listen to our neighbors, and help them get involved. KFTC’s New Power PAC formed Democracy Teams that recommended candidate endorsements and led local work to support candidates who most advanced KFTC’s Vision.

We can't stop now. Help build grassroots power for 2019.

Posted by: By Alexa Hatcher on November 12, 2018

Today we kick off KFTC’s fall fundraising campaign. We're inviting everyone to support Action for Democracy.

From June through election day, I talked with voters every week as a KFTC voter empowerment organizer.

I took action for democracy because I wanted everyone to get out and vote for candidates who reflect our values and understand issues that affect us. I helped folks to not just vote, but know who and what they were voting for.

Not everything went our way in this election, but 26 candidates endorsed by KFTC’s New Power PAC won their races. We challenged old guard candidates and made them talk about our issues and our values. We supported more women and people of color candidates. And KFTC members, voters and candidates gained skills to grow our grassroots power.

KFTC members continue to build New Power through the Power House workshops

Posted by: KFTC Staff on November 9, 2018

Since April of this year, KFTC members across eastern Kentucky have helped host energy efficiency workshops in their commun


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