KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


KFTC graduates second Organizing Academy cohort

Posted by: KFTC Staff on May 27, 2019

National Popular Vote: the majority should decide

Posted by: Virginia Meagher on May 23, 2019

For most of us, the night of Nov. 8, 2016 will be seared into our memory forever. Donald Trump had won the presidency.  

2019 Primary Election by the numbers

Posted by: KFTC Staff on May 22, 2019

2019 Primary Canvass This is good. This is real good.

Kentucky needs a Democracy. And because of that, KFTC is setting increasingly bold goals in building our electoral strength to get more people registered, informed about candidate stances, voting, to build support around issues we care about, support candidates who's stances align with ours, and to train new candidates.

KFTC members leaned into this primary election cycle more heavily than any other, calling voters and generally getting the word out.  It made a big impact.

Here are a few numbers of what you and the rest of the KFTC members achieved this election through KFTC and the New Power PAC:

  • Calls to voters made - 12,151
  • Voter conversation by phone - 2,015
  • Voicemail messages left - 3,805
  • Voters texted - 16,413
  • Voters registered - 313
  • Supporters IDed - 1,163 (through petition signatures, etc)
  • KentuckyElection.org Visits – 46,900 (about 2.5 times as many as last primary!)Covington Easter Egg 4
  • Gubernatorial candidates responding to our issue stance survey – 7 (of 8)
  • Voter Guides distributed - 17,850 (including 1,000 in Spanish)
  • Other lit pieces printed- 20,447
  • Total ad views online – 291,675

Election Day is tomorrow! www.KentuckyElection.org

Posted by: KFTC Staff on May 20, 2019

NKY Bike Parade getting startedTomorrow – Tuesday, May 21 – is Election Day, and we want to make sure KFTC members and our friends are out voting and making a difference together!

To learn about who's on your ballot, where they stand on issues, find your voting location, and much more, visit KentuckyElection.org

Also, please take a moment to remind your friends to vote, share KentuckyElection.org on social media, or even volunteer by contacting your local KFTC organizer.

Polls are open 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Take a moment to plan out when you’re voting tomorrow!

Kentucky solar movement continues to grow despite setback in legislature

Posted by: Andy McDonald, Earth Tools Inc. on May 15, 2019

The Solar Celebration at West 6th Farm on April 28 near Frankfort was a bittersweet event.

Unpacking the electricity rate increases for LG&E and KU

Posted by: Carrie Ray, Mountain Association for Community Economic Development (MACED) on May 15, 2019

After rate hikes in 2015 and 2017, Louisville Gas & Electric (LG&E) and Kentucky Utilities (KU) hit their customers with another rate hike a few weeks ago.

Raise your voice for a fair and equitable Louisville budget

Posted by: KFTC Staff on May 14, 2019

No matter your zip code, we all want whole, thriving communities. Governor Bevin’s recent changes to Kentucky’s pension system have created budget shortfalls in communities across the commonwealth, including here in Louisville. This month the Louisville Metro Council needs to hear from you about what a fair and equitable budget could look like in the midst of these massive cuts.

Metro Council is hosting two more public hearings where you can attend and speak about your vision for our city budget on Thursday, May 16 and Monday, May 20 at 6 p.m. at City Hall (601 West Jefferson Street).

You can join KFTC members across the Jefferson County chapter in raising your voice for a fair and equitable budget by attending and/or speaking at a hearing, calling your Metro councilperson, writing a letter to the editor, and sharing with your friends and family.

Below are the Jefferson County KFTC Economic Justice Team's views on local progressive taxation, criminal justice reform, and tax increment financing. You can use these talking points when contacting your Metro Councilperson, writing a letter to the editor, or speaking at an upcoming public hearing.

Kentuckians are ready for a Just Transition and Green New Deal

Posted by: KFTC Staff on May 13, 2019

An enthusiastic and diverse crowd turned out on May 11 at an event in Frankfort in support of a Just Transition to a clean energy economy and a Green New Deal for workers and communities. 

Rep. Attica Scott and Cassia Herron

The main event, a stop on a eight-city tour organized by the Sunrise Movement, was planned in partnership with KFTC and Service Employees International Union (SEIU) 32BJ. The event featured State Rep. Attica Scott, KFTC members Kevin Short, Cassia Herron and Scott Shoupe, Sunrise Louisville Hub member Jenny Bencomo Suarez, Sunrise Executive Director Varshini Prakash, Erin Bridges, who plays a leading role in the Sunrise Louisville Hub and on the national Sunrise Steering Committee; and music by Appalatin.

Community forum gives Bowling Green residents a common focus

Posted by: Caroline Eggers on May 12, 2019

Bowling Green Daily News
Reprinted with permission

 There was anger, there were tears and there was hope.

Clarifying who can vote and who can't in Kentucky

Posted by: KFTC Staff on May 11, 2019

gIMG_5084To register and vote in Kentucky, one needs to be at least 18 years old by Election Day (Tuesday, November 6), you have to live in Kentucky (temporary student housing works), and you have to be a U.S. citizen.

Those are the basics, but things get a little trickier in Kentucky because our criminal justice system plays an unusual role in taking away people's right to vote.

People with felonies in their past –  Can't (generally) Vote.

Kentucky disenfranchises people with felonies in their past and is harsher than almost any state in the US in that regard.  People can request their rights be restored after they've served their time through this form, but few people know about the process and Governor Bevin denies many requests.  People who have had their record expunged of felonies can also vote.  KFTC's long-term goal is to change Kentucky's Constitution so that people get the right to vote back when they've served their debt to society including prison time, probation, and parole, but for now, this remains a barrier for over 312,000 Kentuckians.

People with misdemeanors in their past – Can Vote!

If someone has a misdemeanor in ther past, that doesn't stop them from voting in Kentucky.  Many people in this situation may have been told that they can't register and vote, but they absolutely can

People currently in jail serving for a misdemeanor – Can't Vote

This disenfranchisement comes from section 145 of the Kentucky Constitution along with felony disenfranchisement.

People serving probation and parole for a misdemeanor – Can Vote!

Even though you're still serving your time, there's nothing stopping you from registering and voting in this case.

People in jails pre-trial who were charged with either a felony or a misdemeanor – Can Vote!

If you're in jail because you're awaiting trial or sentencing for any offense (and you've never been convicted of a felony), you do have the right to vote.  That's a big deal, because in many Kentucky jails about 70% of the population is pre-trial.


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