KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Celebrating 40 years of action for justice.

Posted by: KFTC Staff on August 17, 2021

 It’s an important time for the organization.

Rallies for Climate, Care, Jobs and Justice on August 19

Posted by: KFTC Staff on August 16, 2021

League of Women Voters of Kentucky Seeks Citizen Input on Redistricting

Posted by: KFTC Staff on August 12, 2021

League of Women Voters of Kentucky Seeks Citizen Input on Redistricting

Which side?

Posted by: Burt Lauderdale on August 2, 2021

Dear KFTC Friends, Family, and Community,

Plenty of opportunities to take Action for Democracy

Posted by: KFTC Staff on July 22, 2021

Roots and Heritage 2019 - 9/8-19

Building the Democracy Kentucky needs is a key step to winning our vision for Kentucky’s future.  We need to make sure all Kentucky voices have a chance to be heard

The campaign to restore voting rights of Kentuckians with felonies in their past is continuing, with increasing field work to find the 170,000 people who recently got their right to vote back and to help them register to vote!  That’s happening alongside our online efforts to train people, reach people through texting, lobby legislators, and more.

We are excited to announce: Kentucky Just Transition Organizing Fellowship stipends

Members of the Empower Kentucky Leadership Cohort gathered in November 2019
Posted by: KFTC Staff on July 21, 2021

A number of Kentucky Just Transition Organizing Fellowship Stipends will be awarded in the fall of 2021 to celebrate, strengthen, and invest in community, labor, youth, and cultural organ

Reflections from KFTC's outgoing leadership

Posted by: Cassia Herron on July 19, 2021

Cassia HerronI’ve spent over a week attempting to write a “good-bye” letter for this issue. Instead of a letter it seems I’ve inked part of a chapter for a memoir. It was hard to capture in a few hundred words what it’s been like to serve in this role and share parting words for your consideration. In its place, I’ll offer you the letter I penned for our 2020 annual report. 

“Imagining and Envisioning the Future of KFTC” culminates in a “Summer Concert”

Posted by: KFTC Staff on July 19, 2021

We've been reporting on a cornerstone of KFTC’s Organizational Change Initiative: the Imagining and Envisioning the Future of K

KFTC and the KFTC staff union agree on first union contract

Posted by: KFTC Staff on July 19, 2021

After the announcement of the KFTC staff union’s formation in October 2019, and recognition by KFTC’s Steering Committee, we took the bold step of building an initial contract through Interest Base

Jefferson County chapter and allies help engage thousands in the Metro budget process

Posted by: KFTC Staff on July 19, 2021

Working with allies, the Jefferson County chapter recently helped engage thousands of Louisvillians in the Metro budget process and secured a major victory that built community power.


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