| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Victory: Scott County landfill denied zoning expansion

Hundreds of Scott County residents came out to oppose the application by the Central Kentucky Landfill to have 170+ acres near it being rezoned from agricultural use to industrial in order to allow for an expansion of the landfill on Thursday night. This issue, which the Scott County chapter began working on last year, has seen a lot of renewed attention, and has been of increasing concerns of residents living in the northern end of the county.

The issue first began gaining steam when the company proposed a larger expansion, which was denied by the staff at planning and zoning. The landfill then sought to get the Board of Adjustments to rule in their favor regarding their interpretation that the recommended rezoning of the land was innappropriate. Upon losing the hearing, the company has filed a court case to reverse the Scott County Board of Adjustment ruling, and also filed the rezoning application.

The hearing, which lead with a staff report, testimony from the lawyer representing the company that owns the Central Kentucky Landfill, testimony from a lawyer representing several interested parties in Scott County, and a planning expert, last over three and a half hours before the public comment came. Testimony dealt with the assumptions of comprehensive plans for the community going back to 1991, plans regarding Toyota's plan in Scott County, traffic concerns (including a deadly accident last year), quality of life issues, local environmental concerns, and the history of complaints against the company.

Following this residents from across Scott County spoke out against the application. Sadieville, Stamping Ground, and Georgetown residents all spoke about their concerns. From pollution, damaged roads, the accident involving a school bus, and more, the public was decidedly against it. An Iraq War veterand and new father shared his concerns about expanding the dump, and what it would mean for his newborn daughter. A woman shared the terror caused by trucks that are too big for their little roads driving by their house. And many people pointed to the need for a more responsible waste management plan, and the need for better recycling in Scott County.

In the end, the planning and zoning committee voted unanimoously against rezoning the area, and prevented the expansion of the landfill until now. However, the court case related to the previous ruling is still in effect, so residents are encouraged to continue to watch this issue and share violations they witness at the landfill. The success of those fighting the landfill thus far would not have happened without the dedication of community members from the Scott County Neighbors for Health and Safety. This group was started by folks impacted by the landfill, and have been leading the fight to prevent the landfill expansion.

You can watch videos of the testimony by the lawyers, the planning and zoning staff, and several residents on the Scott County KFTC Facebook Page.