KFTC Land Reform Committee Meeting | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

KFTC Land Reform Committee Meeting

The Land Reform Committee of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth works to develop campaign strategies for statewide work on coal and water issues as well as other natural resources issues. All of KFTC's issue committees are open to all KFTC members, and are not limited to the KFTC member's who have been elected to this particular committee.

Our Land Reform Committee meetings are attended by members of KFTC who have been nominated to serve for one year one the committee and may serve in several consecutive years. We serve a pot-luck-lunch so if you are able to attend it would be great if you can bring a dish to share with others.

The meeting agendas are developed by the co-chairs of the Land Reform Committee, Mary Love and Doug Doerrfeld with input welcome from all Land Reform Committee members as well as other KFTC members and staff.

August 18, 2012 - 10:30am to 4:30pm
Event Organizer: 
KFTC Staff Person, Kevin Pentz
Contact Email: 
Event Venue: 
The meeting space is yet to be determined, but we will likely meet at the Hazard Community College
Event Location: 
Issue Area(s):