Coal and Water Resources | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Coal and Water Resources

E.g., 01/2025
E.g., 01/2025

Fix What's Broke: Why Congress Must Support a Just Transition for Miners and Communities

KFTC members deliver petitions in support of the RECLAIM Act to the office of Sen. Mitch McConnell
Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

This report, published by KFTC in October 2018, outlines actions Congress must take to support a Just Transition for our miners and communities, including strengthening the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, passing the RECLAIM Act to create jobs restoring damaged land and waterways, and protecting miners' pensions.

Knott County Local Resolution on Black Lung and RECLAIM Act

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

On October 16, 2018 the Knott County Fiscal Court passed a local resolution calling on Sen. McConnell and members of Congress to strengthen the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, pass the RECLAIM Act, and protect miners' pensions. 

City of Jackson Black Lung / RECLAIM / Pension Resolution

City of Jackson, Kentucky

In October 2018 the City of Jackson, Kentucky in Breathitt County unanimously passed a local resolution calling on Congress to pass the RECLAIM Act, strengthen the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, and protect the pension fund that supports miners who worked for coal companies that have since gone bankrupt.

Local Black Lung Resolution: Breathitt County

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

On September 26, the Breathitt County Fiscal Court unanimously approved this resolution, calling on members of Congress to support a package of Just Transition bills in Congress.

Local Resolution passed by Benham, 9.13.2018

City of Benham, Kentucky

On September 13, 2018 the City of Benham passed a local resolution calling on members of Congress to pass the RECLAIM Act, strengthen the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, and protect pensions promised to miners and their surviving spouses.

Black Lung Benefits Trust Fund fact sheet

Appalachian Citizens Law Center (ACLC)

This one-page fact sheet describes the urgent need for Congress to secure funding for the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, which provides monthly payments and medical benefits to coal miners disabled from black lung disease and their surviving dependents, if their employer is bankrupt or when no coal operator can be identified as responsible for paying benefits. 

Empower Kentucky Environmental Justice Analysis - Exec Summary

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth (Laura Greenfield)

This Executive Summary describes the outcomes of an Environmental Justice Analysis developed by KFTC members as part of the Empower Kentucky Plan. For more information, visit

Empower Kentucky Plan

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

The Empower Kentucky Plan shows that a Just Transition to a clean energy economy is possible in Kentucky. Shaped with input from more than 1,200 people from Pikeville to Paducah, this plan describes ways we can produce better results in terms of jobs, health, and energy bills, and affected workers and communities - while doing our part to protect our climate.

KFTC Environmental Justice Analysis - Preliminary Report and Documentation

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth EJ Workteam. Lead author, Laura Greenfield

This report provides full documentation of several preliminary maps produced by KFTC's Environmental Justice Workteam. Feedback is welcome to [email protected]. A final report will be published in early 2017. 

Draft framework for the Empower Kentucky Plan, 2016

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

This draft was shared with participants at the Empower Kentucky Summit, September 30-October 1 in Louisville. Feedback is welcome. Comments may be sent to [email protected]. A final plan will be released in early 2017. 
