Climate Justice | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Climate Justice

Anti-solar bill hurts Kentucky’s energy future. It’s also a case of dirty politics.

The anti-solar energy bill that was narrowly passed by the House and is awaiting action in the Senate illustrates two weaknesses in Kentucky’s civic character: We try to cling to the past, and we tolerate dirty politics.

House Bill 227 was written by electric utilities to protect their monopolies by discouraging Kentuckians from installing solar panels on their homes.

Members host Georgetown Town Hall

On February 24 members in Scott County hosted a town hall for residents to ask the questions of their state legislators they were concerned about. The chapter invited all state legislators who represent part of Scott County to attend, with State Representatives Mark Hart and Phillip Pratt attending. 

Kentuckians speak up against anti-solar House Bill 227

H.B. 227, proposed by GOP lawmakers early in January 2018, would smash Kentucky's independent solar businesses and shatter our opportunity to create a thriving clean energy economy. Here are reflections from Kentuckians on why this bill would lead our state away, not towards, the bright future and just transition that we deserve.

Members speak out to protect climate, clean energy jobs

In the final week of November, KFTC members Russell Oliver, Stanley Sturgill, Henry Jackson, Teri Blanton, Roger Ohlman, Mary Dan Easley and Mary Love converged in Charleston, West Virginia – alongside hundreds of other concerned people – to testify to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) against the agency’s proposed repeal of the Clean Power Plan.

“Now that we have cleaner, safer and cheaper ways to generate energy, the only question should be: how can we create more of those new jobs right here and right now in Appalachia? I know this because not only have I lived it, I’m still trying my best to keep living it,” said Stanley Sturgill of Harlan County, a retired coal miner and KFTC member.


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